Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


May 6, 2024
She really doesn’t yeah your right she probably would but I would make sure she got confronted as well
They all think they can do what they want as they get away with everything but soon enough someone will stand up to them and I can’t wait for that day
I honestly think a fair number of people around her on holidays DO want to confront her…but they take one look at her face and hear her talk and think it’s not worth the energy. They put her down as a chav desperate for fame and most likely get a huge laugh when they hear and see what is being videoed…just some dumbo eating a breakfast, lunch or dinner, naming every item they bite! Seriously…it’s just numbskulling hilarious in reality!

“Mmmm, sausage. Moooo! Mmmm tomato. Mooo! Mmmm lettuce. Mooo! Mmmm mushroom. Mooo! Mmmm cucumber. Mooo! Mmmm a donut. Moooo! It’s fresh! It’s lovely guyzzzz”

Best one from the other night…

“Let’s try this lemon tiramisu. Mmmm, it tastes really lemony!!”


Mar 3, 2024
I agree. She’s clueless when it comes to quality of food, what temperatures and length of time things should be cooked and the accompaniments that complement a dish.

She just cooks every meat that she DOES cook (mostly she uses freezer stuff or has takeaways) …with the same spices/herbs…oregano, sawwlt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice. She has NO idea that not those ingredients are NOT right for EVERY meat or vegetable!! 🙄🙄 And then. When cooked, she smothers huge dollops of yogurt, or ‘pewi -pewi sawwwce’, or ‘chili sawwwce’, or ‘hot BBQ sawwwce’ all on top when cooked! And then…. often cheese too! Often 2 or 3 of those sauces are used on each meal! What a mixture of herbs, spices, cheese, yogurt & bottled sauces! Completely not blending or complementing at all!!! But she has NO idea.. she thinks she’s creating something nice! 🤢🤮

And she has no idea certain brands do NOT want their name and products being associated with the way she cooks AND eats!
All of this so spot on! I think the most disgusting combo she makes is that whole package of cheese tortellini and loads it up with tons of yogurt and that melted butter, chilli oil and mint.


May 6, 2024
All of this so spot on! I think the most disgusting combo she makes is that whole package of cheese tortellini and loads it up with tons of yogurt and that melted butter, chilli oil and mint.
YES!!! It has to be one of her worst ones! One of my staff made it in our office kitchen for everyone to try it as it was so mocked as one of her worst combinations! I was away on business but I heard everyone had one bite and struggled to swallow, with half having to spit it out!! No one liked it!! And they are all open minded, secure people who would quite happily admit if they thought it was nice! (13 people!) 2 of my staff are Turkish and they say she makes a mockery of anything Turkish that she attempts to cook! Leaves out ingredients, does WRONG combinations and makes things in a bland version, even though she excuses that because of precious Ela. They say that’s rubbish as it’s often not ‘hot or spicy’ ingredients she leaves out.

They say she’s abysmal at cooking Turkish food, as well as any other food! These 2 ladies are honest & fair in their assessment. They’d have no problem saying she’s good, or even ‘fairly good’ if they thought that.

They say Ayni, Dil and a few more who I can’t recall right now are FAR, FAR better & true cooks when it comes to Turkish meals, as well as Meliz of course!!
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Jul 22, 2024
Just leaving this here for you all to 😂😂😂
I have blacked the faces out of the people in the background
No thought for anyone else
Looks like she got the s loungers as she said the other day 😂😂😂 on the grass as well ohhh shame will get dirty feet on top of her dirty feet 😂😂😂😂
I'd be annoyed if I saw someone constantly taking photos or videos at dinner etc. like I'm there on vacation if I want a photo I'll take one. I certainly don't want to be in anyone's dinner video. But we know she doesn't care. Rules don't apply to her do they?


Aug 27, 2024
I'm watching Love Is Blind UK and there's a woman on it who opened up about her struggles with endometriosis .... how it's hard for her to conceive, she struggles each month physically and mentally, and it's ruined relationships in the past. She's worried she will never conceive.

Makes me SO ANGRY Sevda spoke about this condition so flippantly, "ya girl's got endo" like PLEASE she is such a heartless b. This really affects so many people. Real, good people. Do better Begda.
Yep, this really really got my back up - ya girl endo - I had 6 years of ivf, not just endometriosis but other factors to blocking natural fertility, and even blocking ivf treatment, so many failures, I was told to give up. I didn’t, as fortunately we were able to afford to keep trying - imagine being in a position where can’t and desperately want children! Then she’s so flippant. Not only the infertility side of it, the suffering it causes, pain, embarrassing uncomfortable bleeding - grasping at anything to get sympathy and attention. No, ya not ‘our girl’ , you have it mild from what it seems, which I’m sorry if that causes problems in future, truly I am. But that disgusted me. Not just for myself, I fortunately eventually got two boys from ivf who are teenagers now, I’m through early menopause. But having gone through it, my heart breaks for people going through it right now. 😡 she needs to know her facts before putting out on her social media - what if any of her followers are going through this? Well, it would switch them off her - sorry another rant x


Aug 27, 2024
Sorry….. can’t stop. If she is going to be an ‘influencer/creator’ she could have saved herself by looking up this condition, understanding it, but she can’t as, luckily for her, it’s clearly not affecting her - yet. I wouldn’t wish this on her either, I’m not a nasty person. But she doesn’t realise because she is so self absorbed that she doesn’t think of others. Narcissistic. She thought of the little omlit man and the little flag man - so she could tip them a couple of quid then brag about it. Saint Sevda. The people who genuinely care and help others, don’t brag about it, has to make everything about her

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Yep, this really really got my back up - ya girl endo - I had 6 years of ivf, not just endometriosis but other factors to blocking natural fertility, and even blocking ivf treatment, so many failures, I was told to give up. I didn’t, as fortunately we were able to afford to keep trying - imagine being in a position where can’t and desperately want children! Then she’s so flippant. Not only the infertility side of it, the suffering it causes, pain, embarrassing uncomfortable bleeding - grasping at anything to get sympathy and attention. No, ya not ‘our girl’ , you have it mild from what it seems, which I’m sorry if that causes problems in future, truly I am. But that disgusted me. Not just for myself, I fortunately eventually got two boys from ivf who are teenagers now, I’m through early menopause. But having gone through it, my heart breaks for people going through it right now. 😡 she needs to know her facts before putting out on her social media - what if any of her followers are going through this? Well, it would switch them off her - sorry another rant x
Sep 10, 2024
Yep, this really really got my back up - ya girl endo - I had 6 years of ivf, not just endometriosis but other factors to blocking natural fertility, and even blocking ivf treatment, so many failures, I was told to give up. I didn’t, as fortunately we were able to afford to keep trying - imagine being in a position where can’t and desperately want children! Then she’s so flippant. Not only the infertility side of it, the suffering it causes, pain, embarrassing uncomfortable bleeding - grasping at anything to get sympathy and attention. No, ya not ‘our girl’ , you have it mild from what it seems, which I’m sorry if that causes problems in future, truly I am. But that disgusted me. Not just for myself, I fortunately eventually got two boys from ivf who are teenagers now, I’m through early menopause. But having gone through it, my heart breaks for people going through it right now. 😡 she needs to know her facts before putting out on her social media - what if any of her followers are going through this? Well, it would switch them off her - sorry another rant x
She’s doesn’t have this. She just threw it out there as something she had no clue about, and so the magic gifted dodgy company found something.
She is revolting - and it’ll be brought up until it’s addressed by her or health authorities.
IF she did have endometriosis, we’d know all about it! The flippancy was her admission. She has ignored any talk of it as she knows she went too far. Stupid bint. Her followers are far too stupid. This is the ultimate low and an insult to women.


May 25, 2024
New York
Watching her struggle through this awful food is hilarious. That dry egg sandwich for breakfast and the awful à la cart dinner! The lasagna looked like ground beef with cheese on top. I think her knife was upside down bc she’s drunk. Traveling with your wedding rings just to leave them in the hotel safe makes zero sense. You leave them home and you wear a dummy ring.Any department store or even Amazon has beautiful fake rings. She doesn’t WANT to have a ring on. She’s more dressed up than I’ve ever seen her. Shes LOVING the attention from men.
Having your parents watch your daughter so you can go away on girls trip with your sister but not so you can go on a romantic get away with your husband for his birthday (last spring) is not normal.
Mar 2, 2024
She’s doesn’t have this. She just threw it out there as something she had no clue about, and so the magic gifted dodgy company found something.
She is revolting - and it’ll be brought up until it’s addressed by her or health authorities.
IF she did have endometriosis, we’d know all about it! The flippancy was her admission. She has ignored any talk of it as she knows she went too far. Stupid bint. Her followers are far too stupid. This is the ultimate low and an insult to women.
Pretty sure the convo went like this:

Dr: How are your periods?

Sevda: They’re pretty regular, but I do get lower back pain with it. Not enough where I can’t still move and walk around doing my daily chores, but it’s just uncomfortable.

Dr: That can sometimes be a symptom of endometriosis, but then you’d also have extreme pain where you couldn’t get out of bed and super heavy flow where tampons wouldn’t help and you’d be bleeding through a super maxi pad every 10 minutes. You don’t have any of those symptoms and your transvaginal ultrasound doesn’t show any cysts on your ovaries or fallopian tubes. The only way to know for sure about endometriosis is to do a laparoscopy, which we don’t do here.

Sev: Ya girl’s got endo!


Aug 27, 2024
She’s doesn’t have this. She just threw it out there as something she had no clue about, and so the magic gifted dodgy company found something.
She is revolting - and it’ll be brought up until it’s addressed by her or health authorities.
IF she did have endometriosis, we’d know all about it! The flippancy was her admission. She has ignored any talk of it as she knows she went too far. Stupid bint. Her followers are far too stupid. This is the ultimate low and an insult to women.
If anyone had a thorough ‘elf’ check, something would be found. No one does this. If have symptoms then contact nhs on GP. If I was offered, I don’t think I would want to know if something ‘potential’. No one goes on all expenses holiday trips to turkey - absolutely irresponsible advertisement. Showing food and tacky shopping trips. I have a spinal disability, I know, because I had symptoms and numerous MRIs confirming plus urgent neck surgery, and more upcoming (via the nhs, to whom I am extremely grateful) they acted quick, sometimes not, but I don’t resent that, they are under strain. the way that was ‘advertised’ was disgusting, misleading, could cause unnecessary worries in people