Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 12, 2024
I’m not Steph, I’ll join in wherever I want. I’m not here defending Steph I don’t know her, I do know Sam. You’re still mocking his appearance but too scared to put your own photo up,I’ve just realised why, it’s because it’s above the fireplace to keep the kids away from the fire. No worries.
If that’s what you need to believe then cool… you’re welcome here anytime babes. But especially with tea when it goes tits up for Sam… which won’t be too long.

Deleted member 4472

New member
Jun 13, 2024
I’m not being discussed my appearances are being mocked discuss me all you want disagree with what I do or how I do it but mocking things people can’t control is wrong would you mock me if I was in a wheelchair? Or had a disability something else I couldn’t control
So you're only here to defend yourself because people commented on your appearance rather than stick up for the girl you're flying to Ibiza to meet. Wow. Wait til she finds out because news travels fast round here. Good luck in Ibiza it might be a lonely trip now


May 10, 2024
That’s nice..
🤣🤣🤣🤣 what munro? I’ve done loads ⛰️
Ben Lomond my lovely. Got a wee campsite booked. Aw I'm caring about is the Bbq and beers afterwards. But it's meant to be raining, so waterproof zootsuits. But hey we're Scottish, at this stage we deffo know we are not dissolvable in rain😄
Meant to be thunder and lightning on Saturday tho and being effectively in a tin can, dunno how I feel 😟
May 24, 2024
The World
Ben Lomond my lovely. Got a wee campsite booked. Aw I'm caring about is the Bbq and beers afterwards. But it's meant to be raining, so waterproof zootsuits. But hey we're Scottish, at this stage we deffo know we are not dissolvable in rain😄
Meant to be thunder and lightning on Saturday tho and being effectively in a tin can, dunno how I feel 😟
Oaft that we done a few times, it’s as long coming down as it is going up. Same view for 4 hours 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Love thunder and lightening so I’m jealous.. something to actually be jealous of!
Last time I did it, it was crystal clear skies, got to the top and the back end in the shadow was thick with ice.
Adds to the adventure though ⛰️
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May 17, 2024
OMFG 😂 I can’t cope with this!! I would never write on Sam’s or Stephs pages EVER!!! coz I feel that is wrong but I won’t be silenced from voicing my thoughts on here and I will always keep my opinions here

No what pisses me off is what she done to a dying man and his family, shaggin about right after too, what she did to C family and the headstone turned my stomach,
you don’t realise Sam how much support she actually had in Aberdeen, everyone was behind her and supported her and she took a big s on it for her own selfish needs, many people I know donated and lord help her if she stole the money coz these folk will be lining up for her, also her wee TT fame will be down the ster too. I really hope someone wouldn’t stoop so low I really do!!
I am personally sorry that you seen me slagging u it’s clear that you are quite triggered by that so in future I wont mention your looks, but to be fair you are quite quick to s us on your page too also acting like big billy ball’s asking for yer own thread, calling faceless profiles ugly people, my mum has a great saying “if you can’t take it DONT dish it out” same with Steph she was quite quick to s over weight people and a man that was sitting next to her coz he was big, he was minding his own business, is that fair? Then try and portray that she this wonderful person but in reality she looks down on everyone
Steph is hated for good reasons and I’m afraid to say you will find out soon enough when she starts accusing you of awful s like she done with her exs.
GOOD LUCK 🤞 coz you are going to need it


Mar 11, 2024
Ben Lomond my lovely. Got a wee campsite booked. Aw I'm caring about is the Bbq and beers afterwards. But it's meant to be raining, so waterproof zootsuits. But hey we're Scottish, at this stage we deffo know we are not dissolvable in rain😄
Meant to be thunder and lightning on Saturday tho and being effectively in a tin can, dunno how I feel 😟
We’re going to a hot tub logcabin in Aberdeenshire on Saturday night away from the kids, trust it to be thunder and lightening. Might get shocked all the way through big beefys rented gaff window 💋🤪
May 24, 2024
The World
So you're only here to defend yourself because people commented on your appearance rather than stick up for the girl you're flying to Ibiza to meet. Wow. Wait til she finds out because news travels fast round here. Good luck in Ibiza it might be a lonely trip now
He’s never met her though, owes no loyalty.
Steph said yesterday she’s single AF… if she can distance herself from meeting him tomorrow and worry about herself, why can’t Sam?

I mean if I had a guy flying out to Ibiza to meet me, I wouldn’t be writing comments and making videos saying I’m single AF and don’t need a man.
If it was publicly known (by Steph herself) I was meeting a man I’d be saying I’m single but you all know I’m meeting Sam so we’ll see, because Im the one making it obvious in his comment section of his lives in front of nearly 1000 people watching….

Every man for themselves it would seem.
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Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Big Churchill

Fly with the crows you get shot with them Sam. Give it a few weeks, If that and she will be walking all over you, it’s happened over and over. She’s a horrendous human being and if you were sensible you’d stay away, given you have children. She’s the lowest of the low, stealing from charity , shagging her dying husbands nurse on his cancer ward, shagging his best pal after he died. The list goes on, but you will realise all this at some point. I’m not answering back to this account after this, you’ve read plenty on her and on your head be it when she fs you over. You have been warned.

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Sam you might think what we are all saying about her is all false I promise you know it's not. She is vile that lady and I promise you it's not worth it or maybe you do like it. If you break up she will accuse you of dv, sexual assault, stalking, or she might actually trap you and get pregnant. Anyway have the best trip Sam ❤️
Jun 13, 2024
I see how yous are pals, boring as do 🥱 and least we don’t exploit our children online to strangers, god forbid something happened to their children through their own actions of posting them everywhere, they’d be crying and it would be “poor me”, it’ll be their own

I am actually stunning though, so 🤷‍♀️
That means I’m free to mingle.

Marked safe as a stunner with an

I am actually stunning though, so 🤷‍♀️
That means I’m free to mingle.

Marked safe as a stunner with an opinion 📍
Marked safe with a stun gun would be my preferred option.
May 24, 2024
The World
OMFG 😂 I can’t cope with this!! I would never write on Sam’s or Stephs pages EVER!!! coz I feel that is wrong but I won’t be silenced from voicing my thoughts on here and I will always keep my opinions here

No what pisses me off is what she done to a dying man and his family, shaggin about right after too, what she did to C family and the headstone turned my stomach,
you don’t realise Sam how much support she actually had in Aberdeen, everyone was behind her and supported her and she took a big s on it for her own selfish needs, many people I know donated and lord help her if she stole the money coz these folk will be lining up for her, also her wee TT fame will be down the ster too. I really hope someone wouldn’t stoop so low I really do!!
I am personally sorry that you seen me slagging u it’s clear that you are quite triggered by that so in future I wont mention your looks, but to be fair you are quite quick to s us on your page too also acting like big billy ball’s asking for yer own thread, calling faceless profiles ugly people, my mum has a great saying “if you can’t take it DONT dish it out” same with Steph she was quite quick to s over weight people and a man that was sitting next to her coz he was big, he was minding his own business, is that fair? Then try and portray that she this wonderful person but in reality she looks down on everyone
Steph is hated for good reasons and I’m afraid to say you will find out soon enough when she starts accusing you of awful s like she done with her exs.
GOOD LUCK 🤞 coz you are going to need it
Don’t forget the girl who left school before sitting exams because Steph bullied her over her teeth…
Or the autistic girls hair who Steph took scissors to and butchered for entertainment.
Or the young girl whose hair she’s stripped pretending it was a conditioning treatment because she was jealous of her relationship with her dad.
Or the guy she said was interfering with L so contacted his work and fabricated a story that you can now go to prison for.

But we are the horrible people. 👋

Sam Porky is right. Now I see how upset and triggered you are over the lack of admiration and comments on your appearance, I won’t call you Dadbod annnnyyyy more. *stamps foot* 😤
Pinky promise you…
Mar 8, 2024
What in the fery is she using to edit all these??🤣🤣🤣
I know she looks completely different lately, must be a completely different filter ....🤔
Course it’s him. His ego is crying. All he’s concerned about is what has been said about his looks. As superficial as us making the comments 🤣
I wonder if he’s on his local football forum who rip in to footballers for their looks, women, efforts on the game, telling them how ‘horrendous’ they are.
Dedication to the cause SAM. If you’re going to make a stand, do it right.

Steph will be fuummmmiinngggg you are here.
While you are. Do you have life insurance?

Bet he's the type to say Dec rice could have a better Mrs 🙄😡
Definitely him I think too....ego has taken a battering 🤣