You aren’t relatable let’s be honest!
You spend like no tomorrow, you neglect your child and you have dippy eggs and soldiers and call it a tea.
I had to laugh at the “people are like onions have many layers” after someone on TL said Fiona has turned into shrek
She just can’t get her head round 90% of people watch her cos …..
(a) they can’t stand her - like when someone has something stinky on their hand and say- you smell it - even though you know it’s gunna knock you sick you have to have a sniff!
( b) they are waiting fingers crossed that something se is gunna happen to her
(c) it makes them realise how normal, clean, happy and natural they are in comparison to her
( d) when they feel their own parenting skills are lacking a bit - it reminds them why they are in fact mary bloody poppins on acid because she is beyond se
( e ) when your budget isn’t allowing you designer gear you can watch her and you’re reminded than money Cant by class - she’s just a scrounging designer drag queen
(f) if you are s with make up - you can just watch one of the GRWM and you will feel like Charlotte Tilburry in comparison to coco the clown face
(G) house looking a bit tired and cant get motivated? watch Anal Aimee and when you look at your kitchen again believe me you will appreciate the domestic goddess you actually are
(H) arranged a night out with your friends but wish you could stay in with your cozies on and do a binge watch - 5 mins with Billy no mates and you appreciate every single one of you besties cos all she’s got is yeast infections, a stinky minge and a house full of cats ( oh and a lonely drink problem)
…….. so no Olga - not remotely relatable - but if you can stomach the stinking festering narc you will always feel better and appreciate what have more.