Fellow trowel, I’m not try to police your comments but hear me out, Oinking Olga deserves nearly every insult that is sent her way because she is so abhorrent but the word you used is a really bad derogatory term used for children & adults with special educational needs so its not okay to use it at all, that’s just my opinion & you are entitled to yours.
There is so many wonderful words to use on Oinking Olga, wankspangling bungle t, cockgobbling thundercunt, fat fishy fanny lips, fface, swampy donkey, smelly catpissy w, fake ass b, lying rat faced bastard, diseased ridden t, skid mark on the underpants of humanity, fishy crusty t. I could go on forever but I won’t. Hope you don’t get the hump with me saying this but I felt I needed too.