Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Aug 26, 2024
Yep! She’s posted a bunch today with her happy-go-lucky self… and I called it with her “thank you for the kind messages BS!” It’s beyond predictable at this point we know THEIR lives more than they know it…and now we’re on the surgery woe this week. Only time WE will have PEACE is when her a$$ is under anesthesia! The other dirty unwashed cow and her wacko mother made me wanna puke 🤮
She’s not going to be under for long though .i am sure there will be before and afters for us all to watch.🥱

And then…

Mar 9, 2024
If she’s got clean ironed uniform, how did that happen when she hasn’t used her new washer yet?
I bet that’s cos Shirl washed and ironed the one that H was wearing when she picked her up and she stayed there for the night of the beauty crop birthday.
Aimless is such a muppet - she says that about H’s uniform in one breath then asks about whether she should run an empty wash through on her new machine! What a useless article she is!! 🙄


Aug 16, 2024
If it’s not air fried and burnt to a crisp, microwaved, prepared meals(chicken in a bag) -the MOST you’ll ever get is PASTA and occasionally a wrap! THATS the extent of the trogs menu!

And lots of food wastage too!! Cooks a whole chicken in bag just for 2 sty dinners (not gonna even call them a roast, would be sacrilege).
I love those chickens from M&S, the meat all falls off perfectly. As someone who really dislikes touching raw and even cooked meat, when I cook those chickens I use every single part and there's usually enough for a couple of meals and sandwiches.


Mar 9, 2024
Just seen her dud two different take outs again is just fing ridiculous. Todays suspicions eyes in the back of me ed h ended up in my bed not stopped coughing so we are off today. Because god forbid she can’t go to school with a sniffle. Any excuse for hungover herpes heffer to have a day off because no doubt she hit that kylie with bendy last night
Mar 17, 2024
Good Morning my loves ❤️ Sorry been quiet had a few family celebrations over the weekend and unlike some I didn't film it. More so enjoyed the time together while they're here as you should *peado winking at you Shamey*
Sure it's been mentioned but what in the GCSE drama was Wendy's vid about Dunelm? Both the fing witches were trying so hard to muster up a tear between them. They make me fing rage 🫣 And what's the betting H is off today? Cz Mummy’s tired and H coughed twice like every other kid in the country this time of year fing moron. do off 😒


Apr 17, 2024
If it’s not air fried and burnt to a crisp, microwaved, prepared meals(chicken in a bag) -the MOST you’ll ever get is PASTA and occasionally a wrap! THATS the extent of the trogs menu!
However, goes to the extent of peeling ,cutting and chopping a swede then putting in an oven dish 🤯 The hardest to prepare and most disgusting tasting vegetable known to man 🤮make it make sense Ailment 🤡


Apr 16, 2024
She says harper wasn’t well yesterday when she was dropped off - but yet she fed her with a Maccies 🤷🏽‍♀️
If harper is wanting to watch the bigger TV in Aimee’s bed and pre-ordering soup, she isn’t that poorly! It’s probably that Aimee can’t be arsed to take her to school - any excuse to not do the school run! I don’t believe Aimee today!!
Aimee always looks away from the camera when she’s LYING 🤥 If you haven’t noticed that , please go back and re-watch her eye contact and a bit flushing too!
But when she’s having a rant or in a cocky mood… she stares into the phone.
Can’t stand her.
Mar 9, 2024
Off school on the one day the uniform was washed and pressed ( without a washing machine) seriously? The kids got a cold? There’s no bloody wonder simple sniffles make her feel crap! She never gets any fresh air - stuck in the house, heating on, thick pjs and throws - does she even open a bloody window? Never any proper food - just McDonald’s and KFC and then she’s got a mother who carries on like an extra in casualty after a plane crash if she gets a splinter!! - god forbid either of them catch real flu or something - it will be 999 and the fire brigade in fing standby. She is the world’s worst role model for an impressionable kid ! And what’s with being all giddy about your kid in your bed? Isn’t that just normal if you have a sick kid? Just piss off - can’t be looking at your fowl snout in a morning! Wash your head you disgusting cluster of mould spores - you are emitting a green haze on my phone ! Just offensively grotty!
Mar 17, 2024
Off school on the one day the uniform was washed and pressed ( without a washing machine) seriously? The kids got a cold? There’s no bloody wonder simple sniffles make her feel crap! She never gets any fresh air - stuck in the house, heating on, thick pjs and throws - does she even open a bloody window? Never any proper food - just McDonald’s and KFC and then she’s got a mother who carries on like an extra in casualty after a plane crash if she gets a splinter!! - god forbid either of them catch real flu or something - it will be 999 and the fire brigade in fing standby. She is the world’s worst role model for an impressionable kid ! And what’s with being all giddy about your kid in your bed? Isn’t that just normal if you have a sick kid? Just piss off - can’t be looking at your fowl snout in a morning! Wash your head you disgusting cluster of mould spores - you are emitting a green haze on my phone ! Just offensively grotty!
Screaming!!!!! A mother who carries on like an extra in casualty after a plane crash if she gets a splinter!! Get me that on a tshirt 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sep 8, 2024
I'm noticing a trend here more and more with ailment and when her kid is dropped off she seems to always be sick ! I take it it when her bratty pre teen is gone she goes to town with the wine and boozies gets absolutely hammered to death and can't bear the Monday school runs so miss harper is sick excuse is thrown around. I'm sure there is videos if you scroll down that she's sick when she's been dropped off. Ailment you are fing pathetic!!!!! You big fast mother fing pig 🐖 get your act together you massive t