Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


Jun 12, 2024
What an absolute joke. Sabby Pippy slept through her oil delivery (ahem benzos) and of course it’s not her fault.

They phoned her, but which phone Sabby? It’s not like you’re going to get hypothermia. (Actually that could be this weekends drama?)

Away and take your face for a se “it’s my TikTok to complain for once”. You’re a perpetual victim. YOU LOVE IT.

Why not be livid at you having a convicted abuser in your fing house and being caught?



Jun 12, 2024
Awk god love her the oil man didn’t give her oil. It’s not a fing tragedy she still has hot water and can put the fire on. It’s not even that cold ffs. But no in true sabby fashion has to make something out of nothing. Poor oil man is on the s list now. If he doesn’t have room to get up the back with hose and she doesn’t answer her phone to get through the house there’s nothing can be done. Can hang about forever other people need their oil. And yes other people with children who are a higher priority than her. She can stick another jumper on ffs.

Slap it up her. And I’m not about body shaming but she has enough timber to keep her fing insulated.
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
She literally says I’m not begging in TikTok and then goes on beg on Facebook. Is she talking about the drums to get til Monday. And she wants someone to go get her one and deliver it and then unlock the tank as it’s airlocked. Away and do off. Why not ask the best nephew in the world to come down and help. Oh that’s right no money to pay him.
What has mental health got to do with the cold ? She would have been wiser mentioning her physical health.
She only realised she had run out two days ago she’s lucky to even have been offered today. If she was passed out asleep and missed it that’s her fault no one else’s. He probably tried her door to go through the house and she hasn’t answered. What is he supposed to do?? Always someone else’s fault never sabbys
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
Worst oil company ever 🙄 was he not a lovely man the other day 😂 they way she is going on you would think she was snowed in not even that cold yet, get some cocodamol in you and get back into bed
Exactly it’s not the fing Antarctic if she was up doing housework etc she wouldn’t feel the mild weather. She’s got plenty of blankets and jumpers. Wise the do up
Aug 24, 2024
I dono hi, but she is completely exaggerating about the cold. I am cold rife, literally always foundered and even I haven’t barely my heating on yet. In the mornings I throw the wee heater at fireplace on for the kids and would put heating on in evenings a while coz it’s a wee bit chilly. NOT BALTIC. I wish she would name the company so we could send them the video 😂😂 anything for attention Sabby. They could post her tiktok in their Facebook page 😂 I’ve seen other oil companies taking the piss out of customers on Facebook that ask stupid questions etc
May 17, 2024
northern ireland
Awk god love her the oil man didn’t give her oil. It’s not a fing tragedy she still has hot water and can put the fire on. It’s not even that cold ffs. But no in true sabby fashion has to make something out of nothing. Poor oil man is on the s list now. If he doesn’t have room to get up the back with hose and she doesn’t answer her phone to get through the house there’s nothing can be done. Can hang about forever other people need their oil. And yes other people with children who are a higher priority than her. She can stick another jumper on ffs.
If the big lazy lump had of been up like a normal person it wouldn’t have happened, I work all week have ms and other health probs and still be up at 6 on weekend
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
She says oh I wanted to name and shame aye she couldn’t because she still has oil to get off them and if they heard what she was saying they could be like away and jump for your oil. She won’t say anything else tho because she needs that oil man as she can’t afford 200 quid out right for oil. I doubt that she’s paid off the whole 300l worth. They deliver and she pays off every fortnight. If they knew what she said they would refund what she has already paid and say go somewhere else.
Also the lorry parks in the car park but the hose isn’t that long that it can reach round all the houses to her tank! It needs to be closer or go through her house. Since she didn’t answer the door to them they couldn’t deliver. Is she actually that stupid. She will be giving off about all the cars no doubt now. Funny how she has people private messaging her but no sod ever leaves a comment.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland

She really is pathetic it’s not that cold a few days will do her no harm and a jar won’t work if iits so low it’s air locked where is all her nieces and nephews now who are great people 😂 you’ll survive Sabrina 😂😂 and what does her mental health have to do with anything I’m surprised she didn’t put on I’m bullied online so I need oil 😳