Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
The thing is the quiet ones comments have only ever stated the truth she sees from her perspective, people on here have said way way worse , I’ve never taken issue with any comment from you quiet one, you’ve never gone too far in my opinion. She’s gunning for you and Sue because she knows who you are, how has she even found out your identity? She seems very unpopular in the park how does she know you commented on her?!

I’m mot sure she had someone stalk me when she found out I lived in her park so she could work out who I was. That’s what I mean people say way worse so she can show my comments all she wants I’ve never given her abuse or mentioned her child she makes out I’ve bullied her for years 😂 I’ve been on here
Since may. She’s only going for us to get us to react because if someone was posting the things she says about us, about her she would be constantly throwing a tantrum like tonight and she expects us to do the same but everytime she screams my name and threatens me she’s showing who she is not me I’m not saying anything she hates that she can’t control us and thinks if she tantrums she can control us but she can’t

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I hope you’re ok, personally for me that was triggering even though I’m aware it was acting with her. I think it’s wired in me due to my profession when I hear distress, however her distress tonight was clearly at a police visit. I actually feel sick for you as Sabrina is fond of saying… I just honestly don’t understand why she is constantly warned and never formally questioned. You must be so frustrated and I’m sorry you’re going through this

She will eventually be arrested they said that I’m assuming they told her too. I worry for my kids and she’ll be making a video over this comment but again that shows who she is not me. There’s other things but I can’t say as she reads here and there would be another tantrum. I do feel sick I’ve hardly slept all week but Sabrina thinks it’s acceptable to treat people like this and she won’t stop. Al the threats tik tok the police said that’s a very serious threat but her gullible supporters on TikTok are supporting her 😳


Aug 2, 2024
She will eventually be arrested they said that I’m assuming they told her too. I worry for my kids and she’ll be making a video over this comment but again that shows who she is not me. There’s other things but I can’t say as she reads here and there would be another tantrum. I do feel sick I’ve hardly slept all week but Sabrina thinks it’s acceptable to treat people like this and she won’t stop. Al the threats tik tok the police said that’s a very serious threat but her gullible supporters on TikTok are supporting her 😳
So are the paramedics still there? Seeing all the comments of people still worried is rilling me, that was once me.. worried sick and desperate to help a poor soul being bullied. She was distressed i believe that but the distress was the consequences of her own actions…

Also why do they say eventually?! I don’t understand like when it’s malicious communication and blatant threats why are they just warning her? There’s obviously things I don’t understand.

Please rest assured I highly doubt she’d ever touch you or the kids, you have cameras and police are aware, doesn’t make it any better though
Jun 22, 2024
It's not just the people in the park who dislike her it's the whole town, anyone who's ever had the misfortune to come in contact with her. I've known her and her family for years, their trash. She is only fixated on The Quiet One and Fiefie because she knows who they are but she's all talk, nothing more. I wouldn't loose any sleep over her.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
So are the paramedics still there? Seeing all the comments of people still worried is rilling me, that was once me.. worried sick and desperate to help a poor soul being bullied. She was distressed i believe that but the distress was the consequences of her own actions…

Also why do they say eventually?! I don’t understand like when it’s malicious communication and blatant threats why are they just warning her? There’s obviously things I don’t understand.

Please rest assured I highly doubt she’d ever touch you or the kids, you have cameras and police are aware, doesn’t make it any better though

Still there. It’s only because you experienced helping someone that you feel for her. I did for the first few times then I caught on and as I said there are things I can’t share about her she won’t even reply and tell people she is ok because this is what she wants. They don’t want the tantrums which is why they haven’t arrested her yet. Constantly making a mockery of mental health. I don’t trust her at all.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
It's not just the people in the park who dislike her it's the whole town, anyone who's ever had the misfortune to come in contact with her. I've known her and her family for years, their trash. She is only fixated on The Quiet One and Fiefie because she knows who they are but she's all talk, nothing more. I wouldn't loose any sleep over her.

Exactly all for show and attention no intention other than to get her own way. She doesn’t like being shown for who she is even though she has shown the real her not us

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Sabrina Sabrina Sabrina I’m not the only
One in the park on here 😂😂 you know that saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer people you think are friends are all on here. I’ve been here since may look at my profile not a year. No abusive comments about you from me the police have never told me to not post here 😊 I won’t be quiet you do not control me you stalk me you sent others to stalk me and I won’t be moving ,maybe you bullied others before into leaving but you won’t me. I have broken no laws you have broken several. You said you knew all about me now you say you know nothing which is it? You are responsible for you and your behaviour not anyone else. You are a bully who thinks she can bully me but you can’t and you can show the police my comments they are factual no name calling or abuse given. You need to learn you can’t control people or manipulate them into doing what you want them to do. You are free to read here or comment here whatever you like. And any abuse given I will be contacting police each time you do I’ve already reported the last video 😊 and I will keep posting them on my fb so people can hear what I have to put up with would u believe 3
people have contacted me saying they had to ring the police on you also.


May 7, 2024
Her last video should answer any questions anyone has about her being fake or genuine as soon as the ambulance leaves straight on TikTok to make threats and demands. I would be so ashamed waste services like that.
I’ve never understood this, I have bpd an suffer badly daily, never in the middle of a manic episode do I think “here hold on to I lift my phone an record this on TikTok” she makes an absolute mockery of mental health! Also, WHY DOES SHE REPEAT HERSELF?!!!!!! Is she broke 😂 it really riles me 😂 the woman isn’t a nice person at all regardless of the facade she puts on!


Aug 24, 2024
Oh my fing god. I literally set my phone down at 10pm last night and the s hits the fan. Dino girl started her s yet again. I’ve had loads of videos to catch up on, 4pages on here and I’m dreading opening WhatsApp to see how many msgs😂🤦🏻‍♀️

Sabrina you need to leave the quiet one alone. She has vulnerable children in her care and she does not need you or your mouth making life any harder. You need to leave this woman alone. And that goes for fiefie. Leave them women alone and stop with the videos

‘Tick fing tock’ what’s this about Sabrina? Sounds like a threat to me. You are gonna die a lonely old woman in your house of death. Taking the absolute piss out of your followers with your little ‘ring me ‘ attention seeking tiktok. Pity some of them don’t see thru you yet but they will soon enough. You are probably traumatising them police and ambulance workers coz you are a walking fing trigger warning. Enjoy your sleep in you lazy witch, is jeffry in for cuddles xx


Jun 12, 2024
And there I once had a critically ill child driven to the hospital as they had already waited 25 minutes for an ambulance… boils me
I felt bad for her once, and was genuinely concerned but within a few minutes it was all normal videos again. She's the best actress going.

I drove myself to A&E a few weeks ago and ended up going from triage into resus, because I didn't want to waste ambulance time. She is an absolute drain on society. Why she isn't marked as a frequent flyer is beyond me.

But another evening of the Sabrina Show and she has got what she wanted.


May 26, 2024
Northern ireland
What a night. I deliberately stayed off TT as knew from her history she would react badly to the police coming out. What a rough night for everyone. Sabrina can take some tablets and sleep the day away. Others living nearby or worried about what they have seen on TT have to get up and go on with their responsibilities despite the disruption of being up half the night.

Once the ambulance was gone she was straight on here to see what was posted as she commented on videos in her TT. Didn't even have regard for those who were concerned for her. She needed to see what what had been said about her first.


Aug 24, 2024
At the end of that last video she made, she said she only knows the quiet ones first and last name, she knows nothing about her, but the other night she was threatening to tell everyone about her past?! Make it make sense Sabrina. You’ve been told before if you’re gonna tell all these porkies Atleast write them in a notebook so you remember them. Silly sausage.
Jun 22, 2024
Oh I see I got a quick mention. I could say so much 🤣 no Sabrina it's not my personal opinion, it's fact. I find her last video hilarious 😂 Calling my family trash? You don't know who I am, but yes you're correct their the worst trash, their names McKenna. I could be your mum, sister, cousin, cousins 🤣
Shows the breed of you when your first thought after your calculated video asking for help is to go straight on and make another video spouting bile as usual. Go catch a grip and wash your nails or i'll tell mum on you 🤣


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
Awk big girl is rattled. You think it’s the quiet one updating everything nah love there’s many that can see your house and inform us all one what you are up to. You are raging that you can’t control the narrative when it comes to police and ambulance visits. You are raging people will see the real you out in the wild not edited on tiktok.
I said the police would be coming didn’t I. Didn’t say who would ring them. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 sink yourself with that comment. Can’t take a few funny jokes about your bonking a dinosaur and aye I bet that’s what the police said. Probably trying to keep
His laughter in. That’s right you are a joke!!!
So your arm is paper thin but you managed to cut it again. What happened to the staples?? Magically disappear. Pathetic joke!!


Jun 8, 2023
She has always maintained she knew who everyone was here and knew SO much about them but wouldnt spill. Last night she blames only The Quiet One, so that proves she knows next to nothing & no one and then she says she knows nothing but her name.
She tells SO many lies she cannot even keep up with herself