Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
It’s all put on I’ve had no sleep in over a week because of her behaviour and I have to get on with it 😳 no thought for anyone else she just keeps going and if you want to see my fb Sabrina I’ll show you as it’s all public anyway you posted it on TikTok so it’s out there a lot of people have messaged me with your post but did you notice no one messaged you with the ones I put up they have been up for days.
Its funny how after you've said that you are having a terrible time sleeping, all of a sudden sabrina isn't sleeping 🙄
Oct 7, 2024
Its funny how after you've said that you are having a terrible time sleeping, all of a sudden sabrina isn't sleeping 🙄

This is very true. Every time The Quiet One posts, suddenly she has done or experienced the same.
Imagine The Quiet One showing that cringeworthy performance to the authorities when Sabby inevitably reports even more made up allegations 😆

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Its funny how after you've said that you are having a terrible time sleeping, all of a sudden sabrina isn't sleeping 🙄

Aww I know but I have a history of trauma which affects my sleep and when it’s triggered I can’t sleep it’s awful that someone would go as far as she has with the lies. It’s my sons birthday today and I’m exhausted but I guess the aim is to ruin my life and that’s what she is doing
May 7, 2024
That depends on what form of religion you subscribe to.

I like most others in this world have lost family members to suicide which is why that womans fake suicide outbursts infuriates me, she will be going to hell not because of suicide but her general behaviour on this life.

I am sorry for your losses but you can't put her in the same boat as them when she's trying to sell a doll in the middle of a "suicide note" video.

I definitely wasn’t putting any of them in the same boat as Scabby - not even the same continent!

It was the suicide is a sin that annoyed me 😢

As i highlighted in my comment these people weren’t crying wolf all over social media for several years looking attention and playing the victim.
They fought silent battles and it was one meaningful and ‘successful’ event that lead to their passing.

She is nothing but an actor in her own stupid soap opera of life and the more people facilitate her the longer it will continue (Fan girls on social media, NIHE, PSNI, NHS, DWP)
She irritates & triggers the do out of me in equal measures playing the MH card and all her mind games around self harm & suicide.

Ironically she said last night that she wasn’t harming anyone!
I disagree she’s a drain on society in every way. And her words and actions are further harm
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May 26, 2024
Northern ireland
Long post, apologies. I am absolutely not condoning, supporting or accepting Sabrinas behaviours, statements, threats, etc but I always try to come from a place of understanding. I genuinely believe she has no insight into how she impacts on others. It's is as plain as the nose on her face to everyone else around her she has an emotionally unstable personality disorder. Unfortunately she fails to recognise her symptoms so it will remain undiagnosed and she won't change until she gains some insight.

From HER OWN VIDEOS we can see:

Severe mood swings in a short space of time.
Poor emotional regulation.
Threats of self harm and suicide.
Inability to keep friendships and relationships.
Distorted thinking.
Poor money management.
Impulsive buying.
Rigid thinking - its her way or the highway.
Emotional blackmail and manipulation.

If anyone could see this is how they were surely they would not be like this by choice.

Having knowledge of all of these traits does not excuse her behaviour. It does not make it easier to live beside her, or be the victim of her words and threats. We all have our own personal situations and backgrounds which should also be understood and considered. Sabrina constantly brings it back to 'look what they did to me, I only acted in retaliation which Im entitled to do'. Someone with that mentality, view and perspective is difficult to reason with and extremely frustrating to be around.

Having watched her on tictok for what feels like years her behaviour is getting worse. The SH and outbursts are increasing in frequency and seriousness. Previously she could block and delete and the problem was gone. She is now being called out and forced through the proper channels to face the consequences of her actions. This will put her into fight or flight mode. According to her the prospect of being with her boys is the silver lining to not being here. While that is a CHOICE and BELIEF as opposed to her being mentally unwell, I personally would feel sad if anyone were to do something either accidentally or because of a fit of rage which as been 'perceived' by her as bullying. That includes those she has an impact on.


May 26, 2024
Northern ireland
she’ll be writing that on her PIP form as we speak 👆🏽
I would love her too. Her PIP would then be time limited to facilitate on her working on her problems, she woukd recognise the need to change, get a job snd contribute to society....

And I should also add my post was coming from a place which recognises this is probably the first time Sabrina has been met with a group of people who are not willing to enable, but hold to account.

Those who have facilitated and shyed away for an easy life over the years have contributed to the problem. Like buying an alcoholic alcohol because its easier than the fall out if you don't.
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The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Long post, apologies. I am absolutely not condoning, supporting or accepting Sabrinas behaviours, statements, threats, etc but I always try to come from a place of understanding. I genuinely believe she has no insight into how she impacts on others. It's is as plain as the nose on her face to everyone else around her she has an emotionally unstable personality disorder. Unfortunately she fails to recognise her symptoms so it will remain undiagnosed and she won't change until she gains some insight.

From HER OWN VIDEOS we can see:

Severe mood swings in a short space of time.
Poor emotional regulation.
Threats of self harm and suicide.
Inability to keep friendships and relationships.
Distorted thinking.
Poor money management.
Impulsive buying.
Rigid thinking - its her way or the highway.
Emotional blackmail and manipulation.

If anyone could see this is how they were surely they would not be like this by choice.

Having knowledge of all of these traits does not excuse her behaviour. It does not make it easier to live beside her, or be the victim of her words and threats. We all have our own personal situations and backgrounds which should also be understood and considered. Sabrina constantly brings it back to 'look what they did to me, I only acted in retaliation which Im entitled to do'. Someone with that mentality, view and perspective is difficult to reason with and extremely frustrating to be around.

Having watched her on tictok for what feels like years her behaviour is getting worse. The SH and outbursts are increasing in frequency and seriousness. Previously she could block and delete and the problem was gone. She is now being called out and forced through the proper channels to face the consequences of her actions. This will put her into fight or flight mode. According to her the prospect of being with her boys is the silver lining to not being here. While that is a CHOICE and BELIEF as opposed to her being mentally unwell, I personally would feel sad if anyone were to do something either accidentally or because of a fit of rage which as been 'perceived' by her as bullying. That includes those she has an impact on.

And she will see your post as bullying you do realise that.
She is saying police and housing won’t help that’s because the complaint is against her 😳 I hadn’t bullied her and I won’t stand down and be accused of it.
I could do a whole poor me spin but
I won’t let’s just say Sabrina has had it easy compared to my life.
Am I making TikToks to get my own way no? I am so badly affected by her so should
I give her abuse no? Because we are responsible for how we behave to others she is no exception. It’s getting worse because more and more people are speaking out about harassed by her but i have spoken to professionals who are very clear in the fact that she is using all this as a manipulation to get me to back down.
She is a liar and an bully who has said too much about me and my family


May 26, 2024
Northern ireland
And she will see your post as bullying you do realise that.
She is saying police and housing won’t help that’s because the complaint is against her 😳 I hadn’t bullied her and I won’t stand down and be accused of it.
I could do a whole poor me spin but
I won’t let’s just say Sabrina has had it easy compared to my life.
Am I making TikToks to get my own way no? I am so badly affected by her so should
I give her abuse no? Because we are responsible for how we behave to others she is no exception. It’s getting worse because more and more people are speaking out about harassed by her but i have spoken to professionals who are very clear in the fact that she is using all this as a manipulation to get me to back down.
She is a liar and an bully who has said too much about me and my family
I completely understand and agree with you. I too only comment on what Sabrina herself has posted. What she has wanted everyone on tictok to see. Like you I have never called her names, spoke ill of her boys,etc. If she perceives what I have said as bullying that is up to her. I know what I have said is based on what she has posted. I'm a rational person and I like to think I can see things in context which I think I have done. If there's any learning for me then I'll take it. I'm not a black and white thinker.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I completely understand and agree with you. I too only comment on what Sabrina herself has posted. What she has wanted everyone on tictok to see. Like you I have never called her names, spoke ill of her boys,etc. If she perceives what I have said as bullying that is up to her. I know what I have said is based on what she has posted. I'm a rational person and I like to think I can see things in context which I think I have done. If there's any learning for me then I'll take it. I'm not a black and white thinker.

That’s why it gets to me so much I have never mentioned her child or given her any abuse or made threats.
For days her videos started with my name followed by you ugly ugly bastard you freak, you nut job, look at the shape of you your so ugly your like the back end of a bus. Even calling my house names pissy house saying the cats pee all over my house, saying she would get my kids with asd done,threatening to break my fin neck now can u imagine her if I said that. I have feelings to I have spoken to many professionals this week to access support unlike her I’m not posting
TikToks self harming and blaming her.
Even last night she was calling me evil and saying I bully her in the streets does she not know it’s slander if you say something and have no evidence to back it up . She needs to back of and leave me alone I have evidence I haven’t bullied her and she is out of order now. Playing the victim isn’t working anymore so it’s time she stopped what she is doing.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Well well well fat sue. Unfortunately for you your actions online are going to turn your world upside down and I’m going to give you a reason not to sleep and be traumatised. Your address has been given to your ex who you’re apparently hiding from ( maybe don’t troll people then cry when you get it back ) and let’s all hope he finishes the job off this time. Your daughter Ellie is an absolute wrong un and your kids do not have asd they have been dragged up and subjected to abuse as your sorry fat ass couldn’t leave a relationship. You are known as the smelly fat cat lady at number 24 so I suggest you run off and figure out how you are going to hide because your time has come! No need to reply. Good luck sue you are going to need it 🤣🤣🤣

My name isn’t sue? Yes I live at 24 and I’m fat and I’ve rang the police as my address is under protection from my ex and this is a
Clear death threat i should also add I know who you are just posted to my fb


Sep 23, 2024
Hi Everyone
hope everyone is well.
I actually cant believe what I just watched absolutely disgusting begavuour fro a grown woman but lats be honest she acts like a child most of the time. I blcked her account last week and I jsut couldnt watch her anymore and then my blood was boiling last night when my 13 year old son tunrs around to me and starts telling me about thsi crazy lady on TT he knew everything his friends had told him about it. I nearly got sick. It was disgraceful behaviour and she is doing it on a public account on a public platform. I unblocked her and I am fuming. It is a disgrace. She can blame us all she wants but at the end of the day she is the pme looking for attention and making a complete fool of herself. TT is useless too they dont seem to give a damn. she is a horrible horribe woman.

I will be more active now and i hope everyone is well.
May 6, 2024
Well well well fat sue. Unfortunately for you your actions online are going to turn your world upside down and I’m going to give you a reason not to sleep and be traumatised. Your address has been given to your ex who you’re apparently hiding from ( maybe don’t troll people then cry when you get it back ) and let’s all hope he finishes the job off this time. Your daughter Ellie is an absolute wrong un and your kids do not have asd they have been dragged up and subjected to abuse as your sorry fat ass couldn’t leave a relationship. You are known as the smelly fat cat lady at number 24 so I suggest you run off and figure out how you are going to hide because your time has come! No need to reply. Good luck sue you are going to need it 🤣🤣🤣
You disgusting vile excuse of a human sabrina! THIS is your true colours! Is it any wonder you have NO friends and even your family want do all to do with you! Now you're picking on a beautiful young girl as well as her mum!? Jealousy doesn't suit you!