Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Apr 15, 2024
And that’s with a smoothing filter ON!! And every other FILTER under the sun!

Sevda, shocking I know…but I actually DO feel sorry for you with your terrible hair situation, as I think you perhaps can’t figure out quite what to do? (Even though I think you know by now those box dyes are very damaging). Here’s my advice…

Get your hair cut into a chin length bob and have a side parting, where you can tuck the side hairs on one side behind your ear.

Let your hair dry natural with a few squirts of a good conditioning serum to help with shine and smooth any frizz.

Accept super straight is longer ‘in’ fashion…

STOP the box dyes…

STOP the straighteners…

Get a proper conditioning treatment booked in for once a month until your hair gets better..

Have a few caramel/chocolate low lights put in throughout the hair to avoid your hair looking very dark on top (as new hair grows) with an awful solid block of the brassy blond below! (low-lights don’t have bleach in them so they are not damaging)…

If you do ALL the above, you’ll give your hair a fighting chance to grow in healthier, not snap and split, whilst still having a good style and colour blending in whilst on its way back to normal colour. If you carry on doing the things you are doing, I guarantee your hair will be split more and more and you will eventually have no length anyway past your chin! You’re only 36! You don’t want to be looking like an old lady with ultra thin straggly bits as your hair in your 40’s!

Anyway, that would be my advice! Take it or leave it but you can’t say I’m never kind!
All good advice. She needs to also sort her diet out as that’s definitely contributing to the lack of hair. She needs to stop eating so much junk, reduce the cakes and alcohol, drink lots of water, protein is good for healthy hair and nails so she needs to have more chicken (cooked healthier, not fried), more eggs, lentils, and obviously more fruit and veg. She’ll notice a difference in her hair as well as her skin and also she’ll physically and mentally start to feel better


May 6, 2024
I’m sorry but WHAT???



It’s Mine that likes to organise for her and her friends when they go away! She organised trips out, what they will do and at what time….

…but you Sevda, unless Mine wasn’t with you, would stay at the hotel resort pretty much all the time except to go buy a few tacky souvenirs and cakes!

It’s Mine that goes out with friends back in the UK.
It’s Mine that had a proper job.
It’s Mine that knows more of what is going on in the world, and even the latest trends!
It’s Mine that IF she lost her weight, dresses better than you!
It’s MINE that knows how to fix things (you once said in a TikTok that Mine is the person in the family who organises and fixes things!)

SO, why on earth are you trying to make out in this funny viral meme, that it’s YOU that acts typically like an older sister by way of getting stuff done!

The only way YOU operate like an older sister is by BOSSING Mine around! You do it all the time! Even the other day… ordering her to run around your lazy big ass to get something out of the wardrobe for you wear because you were cold!

You’re trying to shake off people knowing you are down right lazy and that it takes you days and days to do or organise anything!

NOT working though! You’ve been around on TikTok too long now for the majority of your followers to see the real you! Lazy, can’t do a lot in a day, finds everyday chores too much, needs Mummy to help, etc, etc, etc!!!!


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Mar 1, 2024
I’m sorry but WHAT???



It’s Mine that likes to organise for her and her friends when they go away! She organised trips out, what they will do and at what time….

…but you Sevda, unless Mine wasn’t with you, would stay at the hotel resort pretty much all the time except to go buy a few tacky souvenirs and cakes!

It’s Mine that goes out with friends back in the UK.
It’s Mine that had a proper job.
It’s Mine that knows more of what is going on in the world, and even the latest trends!
It’s Mine that IF she lost her weight, dresses better than you!
It’s MINE that knows how to fix things (you once said in a TikTok that Mine is the person in the family who organises and fixes things!)

SO, why on earth are you trying to make out in this funny viral meme, that it’s YOU that acts typically like an older sister by way of getting stuff done!

The only way YOU operate like an older sister is by BOSSING Mine around! You do it all the time! Even the other day… ordering her to run around your lazy big ass to get something out of the wardrobe for you wear because you were cold!

You’re trying to shake off people knowing you are down right lazy and that it takes you days and days to do or organise anything!

NOT working though! You’ve been around on TikTok too long now for the majority of your followers to see the real you! Lazy, can’t do a lot in a day, finds everyday chores too much, needs Mummy to help, etc, etc, etc!!!!
At least Minger got an actual university degree (compared to Sevda’s failed GSCEs) and an actual job instead of being a “full time content creator”. She’s the one helping Sevda with her bwiefs so it’s hardly like Sevda’s super organised or on it 😂 And she appears to have more of a social life than the beg… Minger relies way too much on her mum and dad like Sevda so she still gets minus points for that.

Sevda is super lazy and doesn’t do anything all day. She might wake up early but I’ll bet she naps during the day due to being sleep deprived from patrolling the comments at night. It’s just another video to show how amazing Saint Sevda is to feed the narc’s ego.
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Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
If Minger ever had weight loss surgery and lost the weight Sevda would absolutely hate it… Only tolerates her as she’s fat and unmarried and doesn’t seem like a threat to her status in her family… Sevda definitely feels in control of the family as she’s financially better off than them currently due to TikTok and definitely uses that to her advantage… Hence their pathetic shoutouts to her when she helps them (however little) towards their car or flat deposit
I have also noticed she only hangs around sorry latches on to people who are bigger the her as well, but what she doesn’t understand is she is getting that way bigger filters don’t hide it at all


May 6, 2024
All good advice. She needs to also sort her diet out as that’s definitely contributing to the lack of hair. She needs to stop eating so much junk, reduce the cakes and alcohol, drink lots of water, protein is good for healthy hair and nails so she needs to have more chicken (cooked healthier, not fried), more eggs, lentils, and obviously more fruit and veg. She’ll notice a difference in her hair as well as her skin and also she’ll physically and mentally start to feel better
Yes! Agreed! All good advice! 👏🏻👏🏻🥰

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
What I find very sad and disturbing is what she is doing in this holiday boat trip dolphins sightseeing beach sea, and her daughter will see this how she will feel that her waste of space mother does this without her and even without her husband she says she loves, so much to see in Turkey as well so much history not once did she take that poor girl to the beach
She should hold her head in shame but she won’t disgusting


May 6, 2024


You have filtered these pictures SO much - they look NOTHING like you either of you in REAL LIFE!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You both look like plastic dolls on these pictures!! 🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻

The thing is Sevda, you are KNOWN now for your outrageously filtered videos/pictures!!! Word going round all the time is that you are QUEEN OF FILTERING! The latest laugh are your filtered lips! Top lip especially!! Hilariously puffed up! AND your toothpick legs and looooong feet on some pictures!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 And your face is so smoothed out, it’s blurry!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Also, your filtering has reached a level where it is regularly making you look ‘warped’ 🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻

Please go to more events (IF you get invited). I know several events coming up where creators with a large following/activity will be invited to. I know several people who will be also attending that will have their cameras at the ready to catch you on camera…the REAL you, minus the filtering!


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May 6, 2024
I have also noticed she only hangs around sorry latches on to people who are bigger the her as well, but what she doesn’t understand is she is getting that way bigger filters don’t hide it at all
Exactly!!! She’s a fool only to herself and her imaginary world she lives in…because people DO see her in real life and are shocked how big she is and how ‘rough’ her skin, hair and features are!

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Exactly!!! She’s a fool only to herself and her imaginary world she lives in…because people DO see her in real life and are shocked how big she is and how ‘rough’ her skin, hair and features are!
This is what she doesn’t understand maybe is the reason she doesn’t go out much, no matter what she says she isn’t close to munter anyone but she has slimmed down loads, Lisa is a larger lady and so is Anya and off course Mine, the only one who does have a nice figure is Kuki what she won’t drop her as she is using her to cook the books
It’s a very sad world she lives in, do I feel sorry for her in a way yes as she needs mental health help, in another way no as she brings this on herself, everyone tries to advise her but she just blocks and deletes or call us 🧌
It will be massive come down for her when it all comes crashing down it’s coming as her views have dropped so has her comments and she gets no Ads either just free s that the others get

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024


You have filtered these pictures SO much - they look NOTHING like you either of you in REAL LIFE!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You both look like plastic dolls on these pictures!! 🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻

The thing is Sevda, you are KNOWN now for your outrageously filtered videos/pictures!!! Word going round all the time is that you are QUEEN OF FILTERING! The latest laugh are your filtered lips! Top lip especially!! Hilariously puffed up! AND your toothpick legs and looooong feet on some pictures!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 And your face is so smoothed out, it’s blurry!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Also, your filtering has reached a level where it is regularly making you look ‘warped’ 🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻

Please go to more events (IF you get invited). I know several events coming up where creators with a large following/activity will be invited to. I know several people who will be also attending that will have their cameras at the ready to catch you on camera…the REAL you, minus the filtering!
Can’t wait for the true pictures even though we have had them in the past but she still uses the filter 😂😂