Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 2, 2024
She's a total snarky b even more so than her b sister.
She’s a fing fat f and needs to do off. 🤣🤣🤣
For your viewing pleasure if you choose to subject yourself to this load. I feel like I'm watching a baby led weaning video! Who eats green beans and salad with a SPOON. The head bobbing and laugh.....
Green beans with a curry? And those beans are fing cremated! I always use a fork to eat my curry. It’s what I’ve always done. Never use a spoon for curry. He can’t even hold it right the Bald headed Ugly bastard!
Mar 2, 2024
She's a total snarky b even more so than her b sister.
She’s a fing fat f and needs to do off. 🤣🤣🤣
For your viewing pleasure if you choose to subject yourself to this load. I feel like I'm watching a baby led weaning video! Who eats green beans and salad with a SPOON. The head bobbing and laugh.....
Green beans with a curry? And those beans are fing cremated! I always use a fork to eat my curry. It’s what I’ve always done. Never use a spoon for curry. He can’t even hold it right the Bald headed Ugly bastard!
I’ve got it! I couldn’t put my finger on it for so long but I’ve got it! Why do mine and the dad bring their mouth to the spoon rather than the spoon to their mouth? It makes them looks very very ‘slow’.
They eat exactly the same and once the mouth is at the spoon they eat it in slow motion.
Then there’s the b that sticks her Fungus infected lizard tongue out before any food is on the Cutlery!
Apr 15, 2024
Her hair looks a mess, her sisters hair is curly and it suits her but the begs hair is short so it looks messy. More colouring of the hair, when will she realise that using the cheap box dyes are damaging her hair. She needs to stop colouring it, grow it out completely and get it coloured professionally if she really needs colour. And cockroach looked really greasy, worse ewm yet, food falling off from the bread
Mar 2, 2024
Her hair looks a mess, her sisters hair is curly and it suits her but the begs hair is short so it looks messy. More colouring of the hair, when will she realise that using the cheap box dyes are damaging her hair. She needs to stop colouring it, grow it out completely and get it coloured professionally if she really needs colour. And cockroach looked really greasy, worse ewm yet, food falling off from the bread
Looks like she’s stuck her finger in a plug Socket!
Mar 2, 2024
So ZGA is back online after paying their overdue bills. 😂 So…what else could’ve made Sevda upset yesterday:

1) Rocco being stung by a bee

2) Contacted by Ela’s school due to the complaints they received about her pack lunches and/or lack of nutrition in Ela’s meals.

3) Negative feedback from a brand.

4) Lack of bookings.

5) Being snubbed from company events and not getting a +1 invite from Teresa to join all of her invites.

6) Twolls continuing to twoll her.

7) Her Endo “symptoms” aka normal period cramps.

8) Her new friends Jane & John (aka fling) who’re now ignoring all her messages asking for a threesome.

Anything else?


May 6, 2024
So ZGA is back online after paying their overdue bills. 😂 So…what else could’ve made Sevda upset yesterday:

1) Rocco being stung by a bee

2) Contacted by Ela’s school due to the complaints they received about her pack lunches and/or lack of nutrition in Ela’s meals.

3) Negative feedback from a brand.

4) Lack of bookings.

5) Being snubbed from company events and not getting a +1 invite from Teresa to join all of her invites.

6) Twolls continuing to twoll her.

7) Her Endo “symptoms” aka normal period cramps.

8) Her new friends Jane & John (aka fling) who’re now ignoring all her messages asking for a threesome.

Anything else?
You’ve made me laugh out loud with number 8 🤣🤣


May 6, 2024
With her hair like that she looks like Wocco
I mean I do think she needs to stop drying it and straightening it to give it a chance to help it not be so dry & splitting and I even mentioned it in a comment on here a few weeks ago….but my God…I DID think the same thing when I saw today’s video….she looks like her dog!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I didn’t realise it would dry like that! And what is with the little clip holding the fringe bits back?!!! Hilarious!!!


Mar 3, 2024
Just catching up.....
1. her cheese and coleslaw sandwich video - she says she normally prefers brown bread to white. since WHEN?? we see her eat white bread and garlic bread all the time....
2. the sausages look like literal pieces of poo.
3. she looks haggard. no life behind those eyes staring into the camera.
4. what a fing b serving Sedat the rock hard yorkshires and thinking it's funny. i wouldn't serve my partner something almost inedible. she clearly hates him.