Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Apr 15, 2024
Her whole life and the family’s whole life revolves around food. This may be a cultural thing (Turkish or whatever their background is) I know in my culture food is a big thing as well, but eventually you kinda move on from it and done let it rule your world.

I find it odd that Kooki can’t cook or rally she’s just lazy because she has an English husband who is willing to do the cooking. Kooki the SIL eats super dry food it looks so inedible too.

I watched mine just before and she’s so weird something is so wrong with her the whole family is really odd.
The dad is always calling his wife from work asking what she’s made for dinner, it’s kind of sad in a way that all they have in their life to look forward to is food, food and more food. They don’t have any hobbies outside of work, hairy doesn’t meet up any of his friends (if he has any), the mums always at home cooking or running around after her daughters. The beg is the worst of course, no life whatsoever, ruled by food
Apr 15, 2024
Even Becki jones gets out and about, on a cruise last week. I bet sev was fuming she wasn’t gifted it. She’s got an event in November for her and Ela and will probably says it’s one of her birthday presents when in fact sev got it free. It’s probably a Christmas event. She’s not been invited to one Christmas event so far, very telling. Her mate T has been to loads and I’m sure there will be lots coming up in the run up to Xmas. She must think to herself why she hasn’t been invited with ‘1.8’ followers. Not just Xmas events, shes not even been invited to a regular event that influencers usually get invited to. Beg, if you’re reading this, why havent you??


Aug 27, 2024
This mornings eat with me.. diabolical! Sucking the Belvita biscuits and still looking like she can't swallow them. She's speaking to a company in Newcastle to see if she can get her new logo put onto mugs, aprons , tea towels etc . Ffs ... she said she'd do it herself but she's too busy working with bwands and doing stuff around the house.. what bwands Sevda ? What bwands ? You have none - apart from Hewwo Fwesh which you can't advertise properly and the dodgy Loreal one . They'll ditch you soon as you're s at advertising!
All true!!!! Sevda ‘merch’ I laughed my arse off 😂 I’d rather have a ‘Beckie jones she’s on the go tshirt’ 😂


May 22, 2024
Even Becki jones gets out and about, on a cruise last week. I bet sev was fuming she wasn’t gifted it. She’s got an event in November for her and Ela and will probably says it’s one of her birthday presents when in fact sev got it free. It’s probably a Christmas event. She’s not been invited to one Christmas event so far, very telling. Her mate T has been to loads and I’m sure there will be lots coming up in the run up to Xmas. She must think to herself why she hasn’t been invited with ‘1.8’ followers
It’s probably something really age inappropriate for toddlers like Peppa Pig. The kid is going to be going to high school with a pink sparkly unicorn coat and fluffy earmuffs at this rate.


Aug 27, 2024
The dad is always calling his wife from work asking what she’s made for dinner, it’s kind of sad in a way that all they have in their life to look forward to is food, food and more food. They don’t have any hobbies outside of work, hairy doesn’t meet up any of his friends (if he has any), the mums always at home cooking or running around after her daughters. The beg is the worst of course, no life whatsoever, ruled by food
I really couldn’t believe she got her dad in to doing tik tok, literally we saw her training him up!!!!! What a very sad scenario. My dad died when I was 26 (I’m 48 now) he absolutely hated the mobile phones, he’d be turning in his grave at all this stuff now, let alone be joining the do in!!!! Taking in turns to do videos. So wrong. Family meals together are donininated. Spend time together, don’t know how long you have got. I’d give anything to just have a day with my dad. It wouldn’t be in front of a phone, everyone being told when they can eat, or talk. It would be on a fishing trip, with a picnic. Sevda, think on. Do more things like this with Ela, it creates lasting and special memories. Life is too short x


Sep 5, 2024
Even Becki jones gets out and about, on a cruise last week. I bet sev was fuming she wasn’t gifted it. She’s got an event in November for her and Ela and will probably says it’s one of her birthday presents when in fact sev got it free. It’s probably a Christmas event. She’s not been invited to one Christmas event so far, very telling. Her mate T has been to loads and I’m sure there will be lots coming up in the run up to Xmas. She must think to herself why she hasn’t been invited with ‘1.8’ followers. Not just Xmas events, shes not even been invited to a regular event that influencers usually get invited to. Beg, if you’re reading this, why havent you??
Omg 1000000% she is fuminggg!!! Or as she would say fwwwwuumwing


Aug 27, 2024
Those nails from before Tunisia still on? Unless I missed something and she’s been for them redone (money that could maybe go towards physio or a knee support for sedat) I’ve mentioned this before because as each day goes on, they’re still there! I don’t know anything about nail stuff, I can’t have mine done because of my job, and there is a reason for that - it’s unhygienic!!!!! They can’t possibly be kept hygienically clean?? 🤷‍♀️ as I say, I don’t know about false nail stuff etc x
Sep 10, 2024
The dad is always calling his wife from work asking what she’s made for dinner, it’s kind of sad in a way that all they have in their life to look forward to is food, food and more food. They don’t have any hobbies outside of work, hairy doesn’t meet up any of his friends (if he has any), the mums always at home cooking or running around after her daughters. The beg is the worst of course, no life whatsoever, ruled by food
Hairy plays on the Xbox hahaha eyy after dessert hahaha thank you Serrapp hahaha
Last edited:
Apr 15, 2024
Becki made the Daily Mail if anyone needs any comic relief from this bint it’s golden
I read the article that was attached on the other forum on her page. What a complete PR fail for Princess Cruise, so bad. Imagine being in a mainstream media article that basically talks about how much you ate on a free cruise, so embarrassing but BJ will think she’s famous

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Even Becki jones gets out and about, on a cruise last week. I bet sev was fuming she wasn’t gifted it. She’s got an event in November for her and Ela and will probably says it’s one of her birthday presents when in fact sev got it free. It’s probably a Christmas event. She’s not been invited to one Christmas event so far, very telling. Her mate T has been to loads and I’m sure there will be lots coming up in the run up to Xmas. She must think to herself why she hasn’t been invited with ‘1.8’ followers. Not just Xmas events, shes not even been invited to a regular event that influencers usually get invited to. Beg, if you’re reading this, why havent you??
November I pad kids birthday making out she is buying her things she says she likes ready for it BULLSHIT she has proved time after time she doesn’t buy her anything not even on holiday only cheap tat same as her clothes and shoes
It’s a sly dog for people to send her stuff for the kid then she will pass it off she bought
The event she took I pad on last year was Lapland uk but took kuki and Sasha and all they did was moan about the price of food and gifts etc