Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
Begda is actually lucky that Ela will eat all sorts of foods. My nephew will only eat pita bread or some kind of bread plain no butter, no sandwich, and some crackers for snacks or rice cakes. He will not eat a single fruit or veg. Completely beige lunch. My sister sneaks his veg and fruit in a smoothie for breakfast and it has to be the same thing every day - so Begda should consider herself lucky actually
Mar 3, 2024
💯!! Those chicken meatballs should be banned. The health authorities in the UK are trying to get those heavily processed meat snacks banned due to the carcinogenic ingredients. I agree also those processed cheese strings have virtually no substantial nutritional value. Sevda should cut up normal cheddar cheese strips instead.
I have a feeling that Beg only gives her cheap foods and skimpy ingredients because Ewa doesn't eat anything she packs only the sweets.
Mar 3, 2024
I can't with these clowns. He stopped filming about five times and gulped down that food before Doormat swallowed her first bite! I wonder if they were bickering or if they realized that they were not alone. 😉


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Mar 2, 2024
I know this is a touchy issue but I wholeheartedly do not believe Ela is SEN. I think with proper parenting, education and encouragement she would come on leaps and bounds. Her home environment is horrific and doesn’t allow for any growth and development combined with the fact she doesn’t really have any peer socialisation with extracurricular team activities. She is completely stunted developmentally.

As much as I despise wobbly head Kuki, all it took was a week of her teaching Ela how to swim and instilling confidence in her. The same with staying with her grandparents for a week, she suddenly had tried new food combinations such a tomato in a sandwich…

It’s would be easy to slap a label on something rather than addressing the clear issue - s parenting!
Mar 2, 2024
💯!! Those chicken meatballs should be banned. The health authorities in the UK are trying to get those heavily processed meat snacks banned due to the carcinogenic ingredients. I agree also those processed cheese strings have virtually no substantial nutritional value. Sevda should cut up normal cheddar cheese strips instead.
Ah sorry. I didn’t realize the meatballs and string cheese were bad quality. Here in the U.S. there are similar items that are considered a better option than processed meats and cheeses. My bad.
Mar 2, 2024
As much as I hate to give Sevda props, I will say that Ela’s lunch today was a better option. She has protein from the chicken meatballs, dairy and probiotics from the cheese & yogurt, fresh veggie and fruit options and 2 cookies as a dessert treat. To me that seems balanced vs the sugary jam sandwiches and sweet candy snacks.

Now Sevda on the other hand: does anyone who suffers from endometriosis or any major ailment where they’re in a lot of pain/not feeling well eat as much food as Sevda does at dinner time?? Downing 2 cheeseburgers and 2 sweet potatoes last night just doesn’t match someone who’s suffering from Endo. Even with severe period cramps, you’re usually so uncomfortable that eating anything heavy will just cause it to sit in your stomach and cause more bloating. Her whole “ya girl’s got Endo” doesn’t sit well with me. If she’s going to lie to get engagement, then commit to the lie 100%.
When she gets a laparoscopy and gets a diagnosis in the Uk then I will believe it. Endometriosis cannot be diagnosed via Ultra sound. It takes Women sometimes years to get their diagnosis. She’s taking the piss and is full of s! If she’d got it then she wouldn’t be able to stand up and do her idiotic videos. Never mind a hair cut and shopping! It’s literally Days sometimes weeks in bed in absolute agony! Lying b she is! Never bothered her before!
Mar 2, 2024
I have endo and I tell you the pain I get before my period starts is something like death!!! I wouldn’t be able to sit to have my eyebrows done, my hair done, sit there and use curlers. Stand up and do a pat lunch!!! I’m on the toilet floor screaming from pain.

We all know this on here and I can confirm with all my heart that this idiot Does not have endo. She doesn’t even have the E in endometriosis. Doesn’t come close!!!

She’s just being moody lately because she’s got into trouble with the school. Possibly no work too and she’s seeing others being invited to places.
So very sorry you have to endure this Terrible Disease and the likes of her are actually taking the piss. Hugs for you. ❤️❤️
Mar 2, 2024
The chicken meatballs is full of processed leftover chicken bits and not healthy at all, the cheese is also processed. Ela likes hummus, so she should give hummus in a little container for the carrots (like someone mentioned here), the grapes are fine but the rest is seriously lacking in nutrients. Sev needs to get on her TT and find some proper inspo for kids lunch boxes. She can’t be bothered to use her brain that’s the problem. Same with Aimee, swirls her coffee around each morning and can’t be bothered with her kids lunchbox. That’s cos SM has taken over their whole life and there’s no going back for them
Them Chicken meatball things are full of eyeballs and Butt holes. She could make her homemade ones for the week. But she won’t because it’s all about convenience for her. Lazy b!
Mar 2, 2024
Endo girl here. I’m no longer suffering as I had endometrial ablation, that didn’t work, till I went through early menopause and no longer have periods. But, when I was suffering, I went through 6 years IVF, bled, clots, a few times out in public. Clots that felt like I was giving birth, not to mention embarrassment and subsequent iron deficiencies. I couldn’t have stood up to make a meal. Let alone eat. No. She’s having a bad period, not nice, bits she’s using this from the elf check and to make her fick followers feel sorry for her.
I’ve had 7 miscarriages because of endometriosis. I carried one child to Term. He is my pride and joy and will forever be Thankful for the care I received while living in Turkey! They kept him inside me.
It’s not something you so callously blurt out like she did. I’ve literally had to stay in bed for days because of the pain + heavy bleeding + Clots. I feel your pain. We are both through the other side now. ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 2, 2024
Hey sev. You’re not feeling great today because you’ve come on?
Well, I have roughly a 10-12 day period, and three days of that are HELL (those few days can happen anytime within the two weeks).
I went to work this morning, when I got there I realised that on the journey I had leaked a little because suddenly it was heavy and I was unprepared, ontop of that I’m in a lot of pain.
I had to carry on with my day as normal in the office because THATS WHAT YOU DO!
You don’t go online looking for sympathy and begging for comments and everyone thinking suddenly poor Sevda because she’s told everyone she has endo and now has to pretend to have it.

FFS SEVDA, try having REAL PROBLEMS! You have NEVER EVER before complained.
Go jump in front of a bus or something you useless animal.