Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 2, 2024
Total lack of nutrition and letting her go to bed late on school nights. We’ve seen Ela sat with Sevda on the sofa on her iPad on videos after 9pm quite a few times throughout the years. I think she goes to bed when Sevda goes to bed.
Its shocking how late that child is up at ... think it was last year when she was only 6 ... and she was still up on her iPad at 9.30pm on a school night. I noticed our girls "endo "wasn't so bad- she managed to get in the car and drive Ewa to a swimming lesson , no doubt help her get changed, sit there and watch the lesson , then help get her dried and dressed and then drive home. Pull the other one you liar. And her Instagram shot of a coffee and a packet of paracetamol... as if paracetamol would even make any difference . She's just over egging having bad period pains. She didn't post on TT last night no doubt to make out she was suffering, when in reality, she shovelled a takeaway down, drank a bottle of Prosecco and rammed cakes down her fat gob . I bet she was itching to post but couldn't as us Twolls would be on her for making a miraculous recovery 🤣


Mar 4, 2024
Its shocking how late that child is up at ... think it was last year when she was only 6 ... and she was still up on her iPad at 9.30pm on a school night. I noticed our girls "endo "wasn't so bad- she managed to get in the car and drive Ewa to a swimming lesson , no doubt help her get changed, sit there and watch the lesson , then help get her dried and dressed and then drive home. Pull the other one you liar. And her Instagram shot of a coffee and a packet of paracetamol... as if paracetamol would even make any difference . She's just over egging having bad period pains. She didn't post on TT last night no doubt to make out she was suffering, when in reality, she shovelled a takeaway down, drank a bottle of Prosecco and rammed cakes down her fat gob . I bet she was itching to post but couldn't as us Twolls would be on her for making a miraculous recovery 🤣
Noooo she didn’t!???? I don’t watch her anymore so I read here. She had paracetamol to show that she’s actually sick!????? Hahahahahahhahaha

Only the fake try this believe me I’m so sick watch I’m taking medication!!!

Should report her for taking medication on tiktok as harmful!! What an idiot. She never suprises to amaze me with her stupidness!!

Your 35 and on your period with minimal period pains just do off… who’s actually buying this?

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I hope this doesn’t offend anyone but I predict Sevda claiming a SEN diagnosis for Ela purely as an excuse for her limited diet any day now.

Someone asked in the comments recently if Ela was autistic and her response was “not that we are aware of” which is a very odd thing to say. I bet that insufferable Munchausen SIL has been planting the seed that Ela is undiagnosed but definitely 100% is autistic. Sevda is dumb (and lazy) enough to go along with it.
My GD is SEN ASD no verbal and many other conditions the process to get this diagnosed is crazy the amount of people that are involved as well, I have witnessed what she had gone through, I am not putting to much as not giving her chance to say I pad had these conditions

My opinion is I pad is badly parented even by the doormat, not giving chance to do anything herself etc they can say what they like it’s all down to them nothing else

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I know this is a touchy issue but I wholeheartedly do not believe Ela is SEN. I think with proper parenting, education and encouragement she would come on leaps and bounds. Her home environment is horrific and doesn’t allow for any growth and development combined with the fact she doesn’t really have any peer socialisation with extracurricular team activities. She is completely stunted developmentally.

As much as I despise wobbly head Kuki, all it took was a week of her teaching Ela how to swim and instilling confidence in her. The same with staying with her grandparents for a week, she suddenly had tried new food combinations such a tomato in a sandwich…

It’s would be easy to slap a label on something rather than addressing the clear issue - s parenting!
Thank you as a SEN grandparent it boils my piss people throw this around, I have put the same as you basically all down to her parenting that’s all it is end off day
Wish people would STOP using SEN it’s only like the w saying she has ENDO (when it’s just basically period pains)


Mar 4, 2024
Personally, I’m no dr but iPad kid has no autism!!! She’s a spoilt brat. Gets her away all the time. Failed parenting. Bored child. Not stimulated… on her iPad talking to her fake social media her mum tought her. Craving attention, love, affection. Unstable family I.e mum and dad don’t give a do. For child who does nothing all day bored but sleeps a lot like a toodler is so concerning!! But hey hoe the witch knows best!! Moody b always moody when things don’t go her way.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I thought the same. And also remember that it could be a gateway to claiming disability benefits. Kuki isn’t daft…if you’re able to do your research well you can get DLA for ASD without formal diagnosis. Not saying she is…
No you can’t you have to be formally diagnosed as my daughter has been through it and if you watch SEN parents they will tell you the same

And also about 20years ago I worked with young adults with SEN and back then you had to be diagnosed

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Sorry can’t today with all the SEN bullshit
There are kids out there even adults waiting years to get diagnosed by PROFESSIONAL people
No excuses everything @Newhere has said I agree with
If the w is going that route that is the lowest of the low for money
Yes ela has learning difficulties in which is from been taken out of school, her w of a mother to busy on her phone, and getting pissed up and shoving crap down her throat, her father glued to the tv and phone and can’t speak English
But I agree dr Doolittle definitely knows how to screw the system but using a child to do this is well no words

Sorry if people don’t agree


Jun 26, 2024
Yeah. Ela definitely isn't SEN. She's just neglected and spoilt at the same time. My niece who has clearly been autistic since birth and can't communicate in social situations , went to three different schools and dropped out each time because she's so 'different' (What she calls herself, we all think she's wonderful) and has scored very highly on autism tests and 2 doctors and multiple teachers have said they think she is autistic is still now, at the age of 15 waiting to be formally diagnosed ...and it could still take up to a year. My brother and sister in law have done everything you could do to get her help and diagnosed. It's a horrific process.
Also I worked for the learning disabilities and autism sector in the NHS for a year and the waiting lists are horrific and getting worse by the day. I will state im in Suffolk which has one of the worst SEMH services in the country but still.
I would love it if Begda tried to claim Ela has it because that would be the day I would do everything in my power to get her offline.


Mar 2, 2024
she’s back this morning making omLITS (with miwk? never heard of such a thing) and you can just tell there is absolutely nothing wrong with her. how shameful to lie about having endometriosis. i just can’t with this b.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Yeah. Ela definitely isn't SEN. She's just neglected and spoilt at the same time. My niece who has clearly been autistic since birth and can't communicate in social situations , went to three different schools and dropped out each time because she's so 'different' (What she calls herself, we all think she's wonderful) and has scored very highly on autism tests and 2 doctors and multiple teachers have said they think she is autistic is still now, at the age of 15 waiting to be formally diagnosed ...and it could still take up to a year. My brother and sister in law have done everything you could do to get her help and diagnosed. It's a horrific process.
Also I worked for the learning disabilities and autism sector in the NHS for a year and the waiting lists are horrific and getting worse by the day. I will state im in Suffolk which has one of the worst SEMH services in the country but still.
I would love it if Begda tried to claim Ela has it because that would be the day I would do everything in my power to get her offline.
It’s horrendous for the parents having to wait even ECHP what these SEN parents go through is beyond words everyday is a fight, my GD is 6 soon and isn’t in school, she started 1 hour day but it didn’t work as they didn’t understand what to do, she doesn’t sit she always on the go and sleep well that’s a different story again not going to say to much as not feeding that w information

That day if the w does I am with you on that one, she thinks she has problems now she won’t know what hits her

All it is down to Ela is neglect and that’s why she is so far behind

I have the GS staying and he has his homework etc so later we will be doing that as well as other things fun but learning as well, all his toys and books etc are age appropriate, all his younger toys my daughter donates to either woman’s refuge or children’s home same as their clothes

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
she’s back this morning making omLITS (with miwk? never heard of such a thing) and you can just tell there is absolutely nothing wrong with her. how shameful to lie about having endometriosis. i just can’t with this b.
Yep nothing at all wrong with her if there was she wouldn’t of walked wocco yesterday either
Full of lies more lies making a mockery for people who have ENDO
Those are the people that my heart goes out to


Mar 2, 2024
Yep nothing at all wrong with her if there was she wouldn’t of walked wocco yesterday either
Full of lies more lies making a mockery for people who have ENDO
Those are the people that my heart goes out to
it’s just disgusting isn’t it and her sycophant followers just lap it up. “sweet sevda” “beautiful sevda” 🤢🤢 why can’t they see what we see?

i wish a famous tiktoker would call her out for her endo lies and bullshit.