Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Thank goodness! When I first joined this page I had a run-in with both you and Peachy (where the hell is she? COME BACK!) because I wasn't fully aware of the main purpose of it but I soon learned thanks to the both of you.

Any road up, as they say from my edge of the woods, summat stinks to high heaven!!!
We did but we did the adult thing discussed it dropped it and tbh I really do like you and you have some very valid points and fun as well
I think what was are thing was my lol Giff it was done for funny giggles etc
snark pages are hard going, I will admit sometime I take things the wrong way to think we all do
Same as you I have been called out and told and learned but carries no hate to that person not in here.
Sep 10, 2024
Poor rowco is going to be the focal point of her videos now 😂
He hates her too. Even his birthday looked like a pet shop beg/ad. He didn’t like the treat so she has zero clue what he likes!!!! Also ‘put a 1 on the hat last year, this year I put a 2 because he is 2’ - Sevda Catalyst whatever the duck her name is.
Jesus wept 😩
Mar 2, 2024
I just want to say I’m so sorry to everyone who had their identity exposed, it’s so not okay and I’ve now removed the group! Report that loser, try to move on and remember that it doesn’t matter in real life.
Keep posting here and don’t let that low life win.
Oh my God. I got a weird feeling yesterday seeing so many new usernames being added to IG and while yes - new people are welcome to share opinions, I just didn’t trust it. I’m so sorry to all those who got doxxed. Sevda is a public person being on TikTok, but she and her crew are playing dirty by exposing private citizens.


Mar 19, 2024
Poor rowco is going to be the focal point of her videos now 😂
If that‘s the case then it’s good for Ela’s safety. But, imagine all the Wocco videos with her stupid high voice constantly saying “good boy, beautiful boy“. Paffetic, Sevda, the poor pooch must wonder what the heck you’re saying, the animal is possibly is of a much higher intelligence than you and he’s probably correct!


Mar 1, 2024
If that‘s the case then it’s good for Ela’s safety. But, imagine all the Wocco videos with her stupid high voice constantly saying “good boy, beautiful boy“. Paffetic, Sevda, the poor pooch must wonder what the heck you’re saying, the animal is possibly is of a much higher intelligence than you and he’s probably correct!
Ela still featured in her video today though… She really should have listened and stopped featuring her.


Mar 4, 2024
Ela still featured in her video today though… She really should have listened and stopped featuring her.
Well she thinks she’s made everyone shut up so she’s back to doing what she does best! Exploiting. Listen guys let her. When her daughter is on website or kidnapped then she will be the one crying not us. So why do we care! Meh to that. I give up with the ewa bullshit on here. Getting boring!

Not my child I don’t care! I protect my children so I’m good.


Mar 24, 2024
United States
No lies were told. I’d have no issue saying it to her gummy face. We write on here cus people need to know what she’s like. Can’t write it to her or on any of her pages cus she deletes and blocks
It says an awful lot about her that SO MANY people have, independently of each other, found themselves together on an internet forum to discuss her behaviors and personality disorders. That she is problematic enough for hundreds of us to seek out a space to discuss her.

Sevda, you are an unlikeable mean girl with no redeeming qualities. Your family and friend tolerate you because of the freebies you are able to get, though they're diminishing fast. Your TikTok enabled you to climb out of poverty for a while, allowing your white trash family a bunch of extras and new experiences. But nothing lasts forever, and you will be back to your previous miserable existence soon enough.

You stop at nothing to control the narrative about you, even attempting to ruin other people's lives. That says so much more about you than us. Does it never occur to you that you are nothing but ugly, inside and out? Does it never occur to you that if you were, even in the tiniest way, a halfway decent human being, that you would not be the subject of not one, but two of the busiest and most active forums on the internet? You're a nasty nasty piece of work you low class piece of trash.


New member
May 13, 2024
Melbourne, Australia
To the individual sharing screenshots of Instagram profiles with malicious intent or to incite harassment, be aware that this behaviour is illegal.

While you may think you're acting heroically or supporting Sevda, you're actually violating privacy, harassment, and anti-stalking laws.

For your information, even if you're posting under a pseudonym, this website DOES track your IP address, and a court order can easily compel Comment Cafe to release that information, including the email you used to sign up and your internet service provider (ISP).

Following this, an injunction can force your ISP to release your personal details, opening you up to potential legal action for harassment.

The people on this forum are private individuals, not public figures.

Lastly, Sevda has no valid case, so you're only wasting your time.

I'd also like to point out that criticism of a public figure does not automatically lead to defamation liability unless 'actual malice' can be proven.

However, private individuals hold certain fundamental rights, including the freedom of opinion, expression, and access to information in a democratic society. These rights are essential and should not be infringed upon through harassment or unlawful actions.
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