Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
She's not said anything coz she's trying to create an air of mystery by not saying anything she's trying to elude that she's almost keeping some sort of secret surrounding the drama with bperfect kinda like she knows what's going on behind the scenes but she's been asked to keep quiet coz she knows that in itself will get her attention. She really thinks she's some sort of celeb but in reality Steph is absolutely the last person they need chirping up at the minute and maybe they have asked her to keep her trap shut . Nana mink sucking up Brendan's arse is hilarious does she really think he even knows who she is as for Steph she'll be the last person on Brendans mind at the minute and once this calms down he's going to have to get rid of any potential employees that aren't squeaky clean . Maybe folk should be asking bperfect about Steph colluding with someone's abuser . This would be the time to highlight it to them and their customers Steph's a weirdo I wouldn't trust her around my kids
Since Gill likes to go down holes she should be investigating her chums interaction with HalfAssedHippieMamas abuser, not alleged but actual fact her chum addmitted to doing. Much like JC 🤔 Gill will know who HAHM is since she inserted herself into the Rantin Mas posts (don’t tell me she wasn’t aware of those names already)


Mar 10, 2024
Yes gill go ask your mate about interacting with someone’s abuser and see what story you get, she showed the conversation with said person and seeing as you are seeking out people on Tik tok give halfassedhippiemama a message and hear it from her and how her brothers ex girlfriend was ok with it all aswell who happens to work for the nhs, arranging to meet for a coffee on how to take her daughter down with the help of 🐄 and to pin a comment from said abuser come on gill you obviously haven’t looked into that have you?
Mar 2, 2024
They tell us social media, being an influencer is a real job yet they themselves do not take it seriously so we don't take them seriously. Given that most of them are self employed and effectively running their own business, it falls upon them to uphold standards and compliance, it is their responsibility to ensure they protect their career and Tik Tok page. What they should have done is upon being told by Brendan of Be Perfect about a colab with American Make Up Artist James Charles who has 34 million Tik Tok followers that if they did not know who he was to look him up. It is good business practice to find out who you are working with and what they have done in their career. 30 seconds on Google would tell them to avoid. If they did know who he was then they should have said no, count me out.

There are no excuses, Vavron etc you are in charge of your own self employed business so you have to research who you work with. You were all paid commission or wages to work with BePerfect and James Charles, you are expected to do your due diligence. No excuses at all, they need to act like serious businesses and operate accordingly. If they did not know who he was and attended they all should apologise, say they fed up and need to learn to take their so called job seriously and actually do it properly. The lesson is always protect your own brand and image by looking into who you are working with and for, it is basic business sense.

The influencers want maximum reward for minimum effort. They cannot be bothered to do their jobs properly. If they did then the whole James Charles fiasco would not be happening. They all need to own their mistake and stop making pathetic excuses.


Jul 18, 2024
They tell us social media, being an influencer is a real job yet they themselves do not take it seriously so we don't take them seriously. Given that most of them are self employed and effectively running their own business, it falls upon them to uphold standards and compliance, it is their responsibility to ensure they protect their career and Tik Tok page. What they should have done is upon being told by Brendan of Be Perfect about a colab with American Make Up Artist James Charles who has 34 million Tik Tok followers that if they did not know who he was to look him up. It is good business practice to find out who you are working with and what they have done in their career. 30 seconds on Google would tell them to avoid. If they did know who he was then they should have said no, count me out.

There are no excuses, Vavron etc you are in charge of your own self employed business so you have to research who you work with. You were all paid commission or wages to work with BePerfect and James Charles, you are expected to do your due diligence. No excuses at all, they need to act like serious businesses and operate accordingly. If they did not know who he was and attended they all should apologise, say they fed up and need to learn to take their so called job seriously and actually do it properly. The lesson is always protect your own brand and image by looking into who you are working with and for, it is basic business sense.

The influencers want maximum reward for minimum effort. They cannot be bothered to do their jobs properly. If they did then the whole James Charles fiasco would not be happening. They all need to own their mistake and stop making pathetic excuses.
Agree with everything you have said. Unfortunately for Beefy she did a post before attending JC event all giddy and excited about meeting him and saying how her daughter was a big fan and had been for years so she would find it difficult to say she didn’t know and it was a mistake. But she is never accountable for anything ever as we know. Big narcissist Vavron is above an apology.


Mar 10, 2024
Why is Dildo now in Ashleigh McDrabs comments? Have I missed something?

And she didn’t look ‘absolutely fine’ it looked like she’d rubbed s on her face 🙄

*edited to add that I went for a nosy at the earrings she’s creaming herself over 😂
Gill is a right fanny she is literally going thru everyone on Tik tok what a sad sad person and you looked like Donald trump gill get an absolute life you clown 🤡


Aug 26, 2024
If shes had any communication it will be a blanket email full of waffle
Vagasil will be able to make full use of hurricane Milton in the morning. I am calling it .black and white and thoughts for our cousins across the ocean.
I am not making light of what’s happening in Florida , it’s absolutely terrifying.
But I believe there are a couple of “creators” who will use this to their advantage and will be able to deflect from what happened at the weekend.
Yeah vag and aimless,I’m looking at you both .