Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Ah right I remembered seeing folk sharing a post about the tough mudder and seeing picture’s of Steph on one of the sisters Facebook who are still friends with her with the orange bandanna on her head. I take it Danny doesn’t speak to the rest of c friends as it takes two to tango.

I don't know if I'm being 100% honest. I heard he went round and said sorry. I think the sister you are applying to would be the oldest of them all.


Apr 5, 2024
wtf in the fery are those trainers 🤮🤮🤮 gadz gadz gadz!! They are cheap se and Steph you look like se
I looked at that dress on TT and thought nah . Even more so now , Beef Chops is wearing it now ! When it come's to the point you start to see locals wearing gear from TT in the Kingdom here , I'll no bother . ( Stick to indoor lounge suits ) Karen Dunbar , Chewin' The Fat would be excellent for a sketch on folk wearing them !


Mar 10, 2024
I don't know if I'm being 100% honest. I heard he went round and said sorry. I think the sister you are applying to would be the oldest of them all.
Well it was more than Steph has ever done.
Canna mind which one of the sisters it was just remember seeing the photos her thinking she was a boss b acting the grieving wife.


May 10, 2024
I looked at that dress on TT and thought nah . Even more so now , Beef Chops is wearing it now ! When it come's to the point you start to see locals wearing gear from TT in the Kingdom here , I'll no bother . ( Stick to indoor lounge suits ) Karen Dunbar , Chewin' The Fat would be excellent for a sketch on folk wearing them !
I'm making a bonfire as I speak😳I got it in plain black and tbh it's lovely on. But wear it with my wee denim jacket and non clonky trainers. It suits me honestly. I'll get my coat 😂😂


Mar 10, 2024
Agree with this to the letter.

I trust my partner and he me, that if a female spoke to him he’s doing it on a platonic level. You police your own s, not other peoples.
Steph displays controlling and coercive behaviour constantly, as well as emotional abuse.
I don’t think she quite realises that all this ‘what can a man bring to the table, I finance myself’ would be considered financial abuse if she was to say this to a partner.

She might be able to finance a £2k rent a month (with DLA, housing benefits, two guys maintenance, and a life insurance policy), but everything she has can be taken away. Her name is not to anything. Not even her ‘make up’.

She won’t ever be happy because she isn’t happy. She’s too busy proving to a bunch of strangers on the internet that she’s self made 🤣

Every one is jealous and this is the narrative she runs with. But in terms of psychological reason behind that narrative is, low self esteem, projection, need for validation, misinterpretation of behaviour, social comparison, competitive nature.

Steph have a little read of this (if you can manage):
‘It's important to note that the perception of jealousy is subjective and can be influenced by individual experiences, biases, and psychological factors. It's essential for individuals to reflect on their own feelings and motivations and consider alternative explanations for others' behavior before assuming jealousy. Communication and understanding can help clarify misunderstandings and build healthier relationships’
Too many big words for her to understand!


Mar 12, 2024
I dont doubt what she’s been through was hard….that’s the only sympathy you’ll get. I’ve also bern through hell with one of my kids needing an op at 5 weeks old and nearly dying so it’s hard yes….

But you just know that she is loving every single bit of evidence that is going to allow her to be a lazy mother because she has no belief max can toilet train or speak and does nothing to help him with either of these tasks. Especially as she thinks the nursery would potty train him if they could 🙈 (what??😂)

She is so focused on what is wrong with max she can’t see the wee person with personality. fing awful. Let’s not focus on how far he’s come, nah - let’s focus on the negative parts. If he is the miracle you say he is Steph and fought for his life…. What are you doing for him now? What the do are you actually doing for him now ?


May 10, 2024
You know I never comment on videos relating to wee M cos I feel pure sad and rage for that wee boy, that us (the unbrainwashed) , her huns or any random also who comes across her page knows anything about that wee boy but I do and will comment on her constant exploitation of him. I'd kinda see the point if she really was an advocate for the SEN community but we all know shes not and used them for a step up into her glittering international career. 🙄
Point being this video, YET AGAIN!! 😡😡is so cynical and exploitative of not only M but of her viewers. Really getting that fing eye twitch she evokes with me.
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Mar 11, 2024
I dont doubt what she’s been through was hard….that’s the only sympathy you’ll get. I’ve also bern through hell with one of my kids needing an op at 5 weeks old and nearly dying so it’s hard yes….

But you just know that she is loving every single bit of evidence that is going to allow her to be a lazy mother because she has no belief max can toilet train or speak and does nothing to help him with either of these tasks. Especially as she thinks the nursery would potty train him if they could 🙈 (what??😂)

She is so focused on what is wrong with max she can’t see the wee person with personality. fing awful. Let’s not focus on how far he’s come, nah - let’s focus on the negative parts. If he is the miracle you say he is Steph and fought for his life…. What are you doing for him now? What the do are you actually doing for him now ?
Totally agree! Similar situation to yourself too, My daughter had a tumour and had to have an op at 6 weeks but I’ve never felt the need to post myself crying over it, I post her achievements now she’s almost a woman and thriving.
She’s backwards, horrible narcissist that’s all she is, constantly wanting attention and validation because deep down she knows she’s a s mum.

It was like in her video the other day “ people don’t look at max and see his disability” well ermmm that’s a good thing. She’s horrific


Sep 26, 2023
My son has brain injury from 6 weeks old. 3 parts of his brain are damaged he's honestly lucky to be alive. But he's a fighter and a marvellous medical team. He's now a teen and thriving . We regularly bump into his old medical team at appointmentsand they always say how amazed they are how far he's come and I obviously put in the hard work. When I tell u I would never accept the word he can't or won't do with at least trying said task. He was toilet trained by 7. His sen school helped but I had to start the process. She's a lazy parent and there will be a sad black and white video up later with him as someone above said.
May 13, 2024
She makes me physically sick! My heart breaks for the life that wee boy is going to head and all the opportunities he will miss out on cause she’s a lazy bastard! Just been told her son has brain damage but “dry my eyes onto boss b” do off you absolute monster! I hope you are here reading these! I hope you are suffering! I hope your Ibiza trip is s! And I hope that little bit of yours is taken from you when you demonstrate even further on Tik tok how you can’t cope or meet his needs! You are a selfish b