It is very strange isn't it how the figures work so differently on her account.What a damsel in distress she is
I built 2 cots when I was 32 weeks pregnant with twins- hubby was at work and I’m impatient and I didn’t want to wait for him to finish
My dad brought me up to do DIY, change car tires, wall papering, drilling the walls to put up things like curtain poles etc. the only thing I don’t touch is electrics. But it set me up for adult life and being independent- and there’s always YouTube which is helpful.
My husband didn’t get taught how to do stuff like that so I do all the DIY but I enjoy teaching him.
I think that she likes being a damsel in distress and needs all these men to come and save her like it’s cute.
I’ve noticed about her views and likes, but then her followers keep going up. The math ain’t mathing Aimless!
I would be embarrassed to have to keep buying due to incompetence, but she seems to revel in it.