Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 9, 2024
I think she will be starting the skinny jabs anytime now - of course she won’t tell the Huns - they weight loss narrative will be either stress, perimenopause, or exercise that she didn’t want to share 🤣 she won’t even see her diet or what she feeds her kid as an issue - she’s always says “fed is best” and the Huns constantly praise her food choices and Harpers healthy and varied diet! Honestly it’s like that lot must see different videos to what we see - talk about being in a parallel universe!
Apr 1, 2024
I think she will be starting the skinny jabs anytime now - of course she won’t tell the Huns - they weight loss narrative will be either stress, perimenopause, or exercise that she didn’t want to share 🤣 she won’t even see her diet or what she feeds her kid as an issue - she’s always says “fed is best” and the Huns constantly praise her food choices and Harpers healthy and varied diet! Honestly it’s like that lot must see different videos to what we see - talk about being in a parallel universe!
I did wonder if she will. But she’s a hypochondriac, so she may not like the side effects that can come with them. I mean she died when she has a cold.
Mar 9, 2024
It needs someone who she trusts to actually tell her the truth about the life she’s living - everyone around her just blows smoke up her arse and she can not see it. It’s so frustrating. All the people in her live seem to be supporting her and enabling her due to fear of something? They must all be incredibly insecure to be walking on egg shells round her like they do? Her meltdowns and tantrums must be pretty epic 🤣


May 19, 2024
Oh do off

a maccies cos her periods kicking her ass. Any fing excuse not to cook! That kids had a s packed lunch & all they’ve got is double cheeseburger and fries! No wonder the kids making crisp butties cos she’s starving!!
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Do we have to be asked ‘is anyone else’s anxiety worse on their period?’ She mentions it EVERY TIME! The fake catching of the breath too - urgh
Mar 17, 2024
I cba with this rat she makes me rage. I hope you do read here! 😠 A disgrace! That is what you are. You get about like a poor little woe is me baby and must drain the life out of anyone in your presence. No wonder your sister keeps her distance. Or have no friends until you're splashing £100s for them a little day out in your garden. Cash cow NOT friend! Your poor child lives in a bin. Lacking care, hygiene, food and love! Ignored and likely depressed as do cz Mummy is busy talking to her phone, selling her soul and feeling sorry for herself. Ask yourself WHY she made a video begging for friends? I hope you fing read this and have a good think about where you're going. Any excuse for lazy parenting. Skulking around you may aswell have a dummy while Wendy wipes your arse for you. Give yourself a fing shake!! Infact put your phone down, alllll the way down and touch some grass.. remember that ironic BS? 😠😠
You're a mess! A liar, attention seeking, draining, pathetic, selfish, manipulative DISGRACE of a so called woman and an even fing worse Mother! You’ve no idea how blessed you are and you deserve none of it! NONE!!!
Look at your own posts to see the RAPID decline your appearance and life in general is going. Closer and closer to the point of no return for what? Validation from STRANGERS? instead of prioritising your daughter. Seriously I do actually mean this with care for that poor girl. Sort yourself out before it's too late because trust me she WILL resent you for it!!
Mar 17, 2024
Couldn’t bet past her “period pains are kickin my ass” why is she saying ass.. I fing hate peoole using that word especially if it’s not an American person. You sound like a t. Oh poor me I have my period. fing suck a dick Ailememt. Between you and staff I don’t know how is more attention seeking. You’re a pair of fs
Have you SIN the one where she's like breakups suck ass! They suck my ass!! (Insert fuuiuccking creepy pest glare with scrunched nose for effect) 🤢 Naaaaa the memory.

And don't know why "fing suck a dick" made me burst out laughing 🤣🤣🤣
Mar 17, 2024
Get back to the sexual health clinic ASAP and book in for anger management. The hoover probably got the Halloween tree treatment
Maybe she was having some "Mummy time" with the owd nozzle and it got stuck in her rotten wizards sleeve. I'm an A&E nurse trust me when I tell you I've SIN worse 😭😭
vacuuming freddie mercury GIF
Mar 17, 2024
It’s a neurodivergent thing, it makes them feel safe as they know what will happen.

My son will rewatch programmes/films but not on a loop like H does. I also have my “comfort” programmes I will watch the whole series & then go straight back to series one.

I’ve suspected h has autism for a long long time because her stimming, the way she eats the same foods (not sure if that’s just lazy Aimee) the constant looping of films. But I also think she has foetal alcohol syndrome because she has the look of a child with it (and autism & other issues link with FAS) and I only think this as it was at times watching my own child’s traits
Oh no, of course I get that! And can I just apologise for my perhaps insensitive, ignorant comment. I meant no offence to any of you doing the most for your kids. You all do an incredible job 💕 So sorry 💕

I meant the lack of parenting and letting H rule the roost. She literally paints her as a right little brat and that she basically has no say. I've said before and others have it's odd how sometimes she seems to walk on eggshells.
I've thought the same with little things like stimming and staring right into the 'soul' of the camera. The obsessive personality, but again probably exaggerating and more what Shamey likes not Harper. Makes me rage more because the ignorance and denial from her own mother due to nothing but laziness is heartbreaking! It's almost like she's embarrassed and that is just absolutely atrocious 😠😕