Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Feb 28, 2024
Been quiet the past few days! But brought myself out of my semi retirement just to post this! 🤣🤣
Acting like the ONLY woman to have a period and checking herself to make sure she hasn’t leaked 🤢 and announcing it to the world b please, the only thing wrong in this world isn’t your period it’s the fact a woman as abhorrent as you is fertile to begin with you lame excuse of a “mother” feeding your child the crap lunches you do then fuelling her full of takeaways and sheer junk when you’re literally sat on your NOT so 12 arse all day doing sod all and before you say “it’s me job I’m busy writing scripts” how about writing a lame arse script to follow so you can follow that to be a better parent? Too much effort eh?
How about instead of sticking a pad to your underwear you stick it over your lying herpes riddled mouth! Then you may keep it shut for a change! Acting all smug when a man won’t even give you a hand hold let alone a hug! 🤣
Back to semi retirement I go! 🏃‍♀️
Mar 9, 2024
Been quiet the past few days! But brought myself out of my semi retirement just to post this! 🤣🤣
Acting like the ONLY woman to have a period and checking herself to make sure she hasn’t leaked 🤢 and announcing it to the world b please, the only thing wrong in this world isn’t your period it’s the fact a woman as abhorrent as you is fertile to begin with you lame excuse of a “mother” feeding your child the crap lunches you do then fuelling her full of takeaways and sheer junk when you’re literally sat on your NOT so 12 arse all day doing sod all and before you say “it’s me job I’m busy writing scripts” how about writing a lame arse script to follow so you can follow that to be a better parent? Too much effort eh?
How about instead of sticking a pad to your underwear you stick it over your lying herpes riddled mouth! Then you may keep it shut for a change! Acting all smug when a man won’t even give you a hand hold let alone a hug! 🤣
Back to semi retirement I go! 🏃‍♀️
You ok babe? Not seen you around much ❤️
Mar 9, 2024
Thanks. I’m back on my high dose vit D. I always struggle with my levels have done for years & despite taking daily supplement it’s still low. Haven’t got time to be ill, so sucking it up and getting on with it.

Hope your little girl is better soon, croup is awful!
Can I be cheeky and ask - what’s the symptoms of low vitamin D? - hope you don’t me asking ❤️ you can tell me to piss off - I won’t be offended 🤣
Mar 9, 2024
I cba with this rat she makes me rage. I hope you do read here! 😠 A disgrace! That is what you are. You get about like a poor little woe is me baby and must drain the life out of anyone in your presence. No wonder your sister keeps her distance. Or have no friends until you're splashing £100s for them a little day out in your garden. Cash cow NOT friend! Your poor child lives in a bin. Lacking care, hygiene, food and love! Ignored and likely depressed as do cz Mummy is busy talking to her phone, selling her soul and feeling sorry for herself. Ask yourself WHY she made a video begging for friends? I hope you fing read this and have a good think about where you're going. Any excuse for lazy parenting. Skulking around you may aswell have a dummy while Wendy wipes your arse for you. Give yourself a fing shake!! Infact put your phone down, alllll the way down and touch some grass.. remember that ironic BS? 😠😠
You're a mess! A liar, attention seeking, draining, pathetic, selfish, manipulative DISGRACE of a so called woman and an even fing worse Mother! You’ve no idea how blessed you are and you deserve none of it! NONE!!!
Look at your own posts to see the RAPID decline your appearance and life in general is going. Closer and closer to the point of no return for what? Validation from STRANGERS? instead of prioritising your daughter. Seriously I do actually mean this with care for that poor girl. Sort yourself out before it's too late because trust me she WILL resent you for it!!
Awww our gentle and demure bike must be feeling a bit better today 🤣🤣 normal service is resumed and all is well with the world 🤣🤣❤️
Mar 9, 2024
Maybe she was having some "Mummy time" with the owd nozzle and it got stuck in her rotten wizards sleeve. I'm an A&E nurse trust me when I tell you I've SIN worse 😭😭
vacuuming freddie mercury GIF
DONT DARE GO THERE AGAIN !!! I’m still traumatised! 🤣🤣🤣


May 17, 2024
It wasn’t an innocent video tho was it!! She got her kid to repeat it to have a laugh. how about educate your kid about all different kinds of jobs out there but no u had to make fun well Tesco was absolutely right to dump your arse! I would have went ballistic if my kids looked down there nose at people, my youngest is 10 too and there is no way I baby mine like she does, she’s not teaching her anything. Gets right on my tits her moaning about periods when there is people with conditions that make periods agonisingly painful. Constant moan moan moan!! Stinky b x
Mar 17, 2024
I think she will be starting the skinny jabs anytime now - of course she won’t tell the Huns - they weight loss narrative will be either stress, perimenopause, or exercise that she didn’t want to share 🤣 she won’t even see her diet or what she feeds her kid as an issue - she’s always says “fed is best” and the Huns constantly praise her food choices and Harpers healthy and varied diet! Honestly it’s like that lot must see different videos to what we see - talk about being in a parallel universe!
Funny how won't have anxiety about them like the fish jizz one's. Only anxious of the nasty Dentist 🤣🤣
Mar 8, 2024
She really thinks she’s funny.. her accent changes completely when she’s trying to be funny and she just sounds like a t. No one cares about your period. No one cares ailment. Stop playing into the perimenopause narrative. Stop moaning about s. No one fing cares. You’re so boring. You have nothing left to talk about of any substance so you waffle on and moan, attempt to be funny and it just fails. You’re a fing nob jockey. The state of her. Urgh she boils my piss


Aug 14, 2024
So lemme get this straight and off MY CHEST. The hypocrisy of these two imbeciles are beyond words at this point. They need to be banned and reported it’s unhealthy and crazy! You have Ailment clapping back about periods saying she is “entitled” to talk about it. In the next breath says she went to 3 shops to buy unnecessary crap, but can’t make the 4th for ACTUAL FOOD!!!! Get back on the pill that didn’t give you periods (remember we alllll knew about them from your 2022 videos). She just came off the pill (she bragged about) so she could get knocked up by anyone that would do it! Poor D2! It alll makes sense that the fatal attraction freak did what she did.

Then, the other Fanjina is clapping back after fake tears cryyyyying just 48 hrs ago saying “leave me alone” “I can’t do this anymore” BS but is STILLLLLL HERE doing the exact same! She turned in usb to the cop shop about people’s OPINIONS on her pure fucl<€r¥. THEN drives erratically, gets CAUGHT on dashcam in her town and it was panic mode cry.. BUT has the absolute BALLS to say HER KID (that is 15) & on TT acting just like her mother going into a live talking 💩 is because SHE has an “opinion” and is ENTITLED TO IT according to beefy thighs. She has no problem biggin herself up saying she got millions of likes(all from family pressing it for 6 hours)!! Pick a lane you utter clown. Pick👏a👏lane👏 and actually STAY in it LITERALLY!!!! Pair of FREAKS! 🤡🤡🐷🐷💩💩


Aug 14, 2024
Hope you feel much better soon. My b12 injection isn’t due until next week & I feel like absolute crap but still have to be up and on it. That woman-child has no clue what’s ahead of her if she’s getting on like this over a period that she’s had for over half her life already
Hope you feel better soon x