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  1. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    What a great day for awesome Anna. She really shows Vav up for the welfare case that she is...... I see Vav is back on the scrounge with Loreal ffs
  2. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    She'll probably pull that she's been stressed and mentally affected by the trolls trolling herself and that's why her face hasn't seen a bar of soap in days. So predictable!
  3. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Horrible woman videoed her mangled trainer. There wasn't a toe left in it. Said wee Max ate it. The nerve she had to use it as content. She really ought to be ashamed of herself. She's deranged to do!
  4. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    More bullshit trying to defend the FACT that she neglects that wee child. Luckily it was only chocolate he swiped out of her bag. What if it was a cosmetic item or a sharp instrument? I dread to think. After all, she left him alone for long enough to bite lumps out of her dirty, shabby...
  5. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Annas products seem to be doing quite well. Bperfect have been featuring her in their stories again today. I think they know if they gave Vav a launch like they did Anna, their sales would plummet.
  6. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    She looks like Deirdre Barlow with those specs ffs..
  7. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    The pyjamas are really making me boke. The fact she was eating her dinner wearing them last night. Imagine what her bed smelled like with the smell of food clinging on her pyjamas. She really is minging..
  8. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    The pyjamas will smell vile this morning and so will her house. She's been wearing them since yesterday, slept in them in the heat. Think she should have got a shower and put clean clothes on first before jumping on tiktok. She's an absolute manky stinker
  9. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    The extremes she goes to faking allergies. She's been on the coke again last night and can't go a day without spreading her ugliness on Tiktok. Vav go back to bed. You're a feckiing disgrace to humanity!
  10. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Aye, a con artist like her manky ma 🙄
  11. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Rachel, catch yerself on. This fecker doesn't know what a day's work is. She scrounges, steals charity money and shags all round her
  12. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Absolutely breaks my heart to hear him crying and shouting his wee heart out while she sits on that phone with her imaginary friends. Blatant neglect, she's anything for a quick buck.. I hope the wee man finds his voice some day and tells her to feck off
  13. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    How lovely of Castlecourt shopping centre in Belfast to make Anna so welcome. Sophisticated, classy genuine girl. THIS is what WINNING looks like. BPerfect certainly have excelled here. A perfect role model for young ladies 👌
  14. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Don't know if it's just me, but when wee Max cries or makes noise in the background she looks well pissed off. It's like she can't be arsed with him...... Poor kid.... imagine having to endure that oul wench
  15. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Lovely to see Anna featuring in BPerfects Facebook stories this morning. That girl is a breath of fresh air and is bound to sell a lot more products. Vav on the other hand gorging on green gummies is not a good look. Looks like she's chewing a brick.
  16. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    I really thought too she'd have left some nice comments on BPerfects stuff, especially because they have made her rich and famous :sneaky: Shows how ungrateful she is towards Brendan and his team. Nasty, jealous wench! VAV, I HOPE YOU BURN YOUR BIG MOUTHY GOB ON YOUR MORNING COFFEE AND STFU...
  17. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Cue the croaky "Good morning guys" crap.... I wonder if she'll acknowledge how great Annas launch has been. Ya know, women supporting  women and all that....
  18. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    I think they were just keeping her sweet because she's so nasty and aggressive. I think they're letting her down gently by putting the gorgeous Anna out there. Vav is slowly stewing on the back burner. I guess they're just hoping she'll feck right Mars....preferably on a one way...
  19. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

    Cheer up Vav! You can always star in the Christmas panto in Belfast. Beastie Woman 😉
  20. Mad Pam

    Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron
