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  1. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Imagine if she thought Dan was having an affair? She would go through every single one of his possessions with a fine tooth comb, bins and all!
  2. Roadman KK

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Imagine if she thought Dan was having an affair? She would go through every single one of his possessions with a fine tooth comb, bins and all!
  3. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Can we all hurry up the tea? Thank you please
  4. Roadman KK

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Can we all hurry up the tea? Thank you please
  5. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Define your idea of work?
  6. Roadman KK

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Define your idea of work?
  7. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I bet this is the first organic fruit and veg those kids have ever seen! Don’t mean to flex KK, but my kids and I, grow our own in our veg patch. You should try it, but it does mean interacting and teaching your children skills.
  8. Roadman KK

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I bet this is the first organic fruit and veg those kids have ever seen! Don’t mean to flex KK, but my kids and I, grow our own in our veg patch. You should try it, but it does mean interacting and teaching your children skills.
  9. Cleaning with mario

  10. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I’m not condoning anyone contacting KKs place of work but she has done this herself to numerous people. I wouldn’t be surprised if people do it to get their own back.
  11. Roadman KK

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I’m not condoning anyone contacting KKs place of work but she has done this herself to numerous people. I wouldn’t be surprised if people do it to get their own back.
  12. Cleaning with mario

    I’ve deleted Instagram so missed this. He’s actually leaving his flat for an actual holiday?! With Deek? What about rayne?! I would love someone to follow them round on holiday Louis Theroux style
  13. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I don’t think it’s a set up or KK. I think whoever it was, was genuine, but KK contacted her, pretended to have the police with her and this has put the willies up them and made them question the legality of what they were doing.
  14. Roadman KK

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I don’t think it’s a set up or KK. I think whoever it was, was genuine, but KK contacted her, pretended to have the police with her and this has put the willies up them and made them question the legality of what they were doing.
  15. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Personality #384 Roadman KK
  16. Roadman KK

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Personality #384 Roadman KK
  17. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I figured out exactly where you live KK from your ring doorbell footage, does that not worry you? I was genuinely shocked as to how easy it was. You have two young children in your house, as their parent, it is your responsibility to keep them safe. You have pissed a lot of people off online...
  18. Roadman KK

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I figured out exactly where you live KK from your ring doorbell footage, does that not worry you? I was genuinely shocked as to how easy it was. You have two young children in your house, as their parent, it is your responsibility to keep them safe. You have pissed a lot of people off online...
  19. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Did you cheat on Dan?
  20. Roadman KK

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Did you cheat on Dan?