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  1. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Wow yet when she was doing her "about me" videos she was going on about losing family members, what a nasty nasty thing it is, coming back with comments like that is not funny and anyone who thinks it is needs to give their heads a wobble.
  2. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    The video of her in the pool as she's swimming away, no regarded to the women and child behind her at all, just pure pig ignorance
  3. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    She's vile, I would think more of her if she ignored, but she has cottoned on that the vile clapbacks gives her more comments so more views which equals more money, it's like when she's says "it's in the video " instead of just explaining, it's so they will rewatch her videos, but it'll bite her...
  4. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    She was a thick as 🐖💩 on blankety blank, again embarrassing herself, her life is one big embarrassment
  5. hortonhearsawho

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Long time reader/lurker and just wanted to comment about the wave! Wtf is that about? "Hi guys" then a stupid hand movement, I say wave but it's not even a chuffin wave, I can't describe what it is, but it annoys the beejesus out of me!
  6. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    I've just watched her of her videos she was talking about how she couldn't imagine people of 20, 30 etc losing their parents! Maybe she needs to be more mindful of that when she's being a first class b and telling people to go hug their mothers, I'm sure she has feckin dementia...
  7. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    All for show as she has said she doesn't like football, she just wants to be "one of the guys" absolute embarrassment
  8. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Love the name 😂 I am a reader of the sev thread, I don't comment much if at all, but she does give me the ick!!
  9. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Are the pies she was gifted halal? I don't think she mentioned it 🤔 🙄
  10. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    I don't understand why she is wading in on the missing lad, does she think that people are going to change their opinions because she said so? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion...oh sorry unless it's not against the wrinkled ball bag!
  11. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Howling at wish ya boil, you wish 😂
  12. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    She can't even let her granddaughter and her friends do a tiktok without her getting in on the act and ruining it!!! Selfish white headed boil!!
  13. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    It's quite at the moment as me personally I feel the rage when writing about her, because she is an arrogant vile poisoned dwarf who thinks she's better than anyone else...and breathe 😂
  14. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    Horrible rancid poisoned dwarf it is, very very bitter and an embarrassment to all us decent Nannas
  15. hortonhearsawho

    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    I thought exactly the same! 🤣 I really cannot abide this poisoned dwarf, I want to lob my phone every time I see her !
  16. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    Crikey, if I pray hard enough for a power outage in deighton do you think the powers that be will listen?
  17. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

  18. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    And teeth 😬 🤣
  19. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    Tell me I'm wrong 😂
  20. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    I didn't know they had passed away either! I've also noticed she has her food delivered now, and I may be late to the party here and it's been really bugging me as to who she reminds me off and it's Gru from the minions with hair obvs lol