
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Ew_en_Owen: I know and I've given all mine away - WHY can't we get them to make any more?

It is so frustrating!



R to @MLMPrivate: It's good energy.

I'm not really into any sports teams but I like the energy of those who are!

I could literally HEAR that Bourbon lid. It had to be done. !😁



R to @maraomaude: We have to now in my bathroom because the seat broke off and I don't know how to fix it.

It's horrible.

I hate it. But I just don't know who to call or how much it's going to cost. I am SO done with the entire house falling down bit by bit!

Sorry for the rant!😂



R to @111StarShip: Yes I read that yesterday! Omg what an asshole! I hadn't been following the show but I couldn't believe the new girlfriend was posting "We're having a baby" on Instagram when the poor wife has just literally pushed the third baby out! Jeez. People have so little empathy. 🥲



R to @maraomaude: OMG seriously?
You're amazing.

I mean I've been screwing doors back on and dealing with plumbing issues pretty well - this is jut the last thing has put me over the edge.

I mean - it came right off! (because kids stand on it!)



R to @AndrewPeters01: Yes - and I was thinking you'd have had to have researched both to know!



R to @Jojofraser70: You tube has helped quite a BIT actually - I might go back to it -

- today I am trying to change a battery in my car key.

I have the dam battery and I have the key, but cannot seem to put the two together in any way shape or form and my 9 yo is not here!



R to @artspear1: This one looks weird. Even the plumber said it was fixed on weird.

He did say I should take the seat itself to Home Depot when I go though.

Maybe I can bring back old seat, new seat AND a nice man? Who knows I might get lucky!😂



R to @maraomaude: Ok you have inspired me!

I also need to change whole house water-filter since we're getting those red scabs again from showering! (Bonjour La Chlorine!) And tie up a random sprinkler end that has spring up and is shooting water everywhere even though I do't have grass any more!



R to @maraomaude: You did?

You are a hero and we are sisters. Yes please.

And I'm on YouTube already. Whatever made me forget that I used to do this?

It was because I lost my WOMAN POWER! 😂



R to @blkwave: It's not really that though. It's only been 80 years. We cannot normalize anti-semitic speech because it happens to come from an idiot just like we can't normalize saying the "n" word. I'm white so I just don't say it. Ever.

There are certain hard lines that need drawing.



R to @BridgetSinMT: What's weird is I have actually done the valve, on two of them, and fixed all the witchery on top.

I seem to have hit a psychological stumbling block with the seat.

All these responses are incredibly good for me - I cannot tell you.

You're right - it's not hard! ❤️



R to @111StarShip: Agreed. And there's the age old argument about 'well, it's the man that cheats not the new woman" bla bla Bla.. But.. knowing that you've taken somebody's daddy away? I couldn't look at myself.

When I saw the article yesterday with the three little babies I nearly cried!



R to @YvonneNeale: Lol! Ok then let's go!

I feel a whole new sense of Girl Power coming over me!



R to @Chaaile: Oui! J'ai trouve deux lettres!

Pour l'instant pas de package mais ne t'inquiètes pas.. j'ai trouve tout une boite de choses qui ont été mis de cote!

Je te le dirai!

Les lettres étaient adorables et merci beaucoup!