
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @TonyEva92385840: THANKS ANGE,

Yes, it really is as bad as all that but it's improving because I am becoming TEFLON

And so are my girls.

"those poor girls". what a load of bullshit! They are MY girls! They grew in my tummy! We have almost never missed a day together. We love each other. ❤️



R to @TonyEva92385840: oops! s! sorry! was explaining to Ella she might be too tall for an aerial even though that her cartwheel was extremely good I just didn't want her to lose her head....

The stone is so hard outside I just can't....



R to @TonyEva92385840: Yep Fair or unfair?

To be fair, when I tried to translate if for the German people I accidentally put the wrong word in and said "a stone glass for drinking a fair amount of BEES"

This did complicate things somewhat



R to @TonyEva92385840: Yes, twice.

And to the place in Cambridge MA where I spent the next year.

I went with horrid people though who seemed to hold it against me.

Would love to go with you and the REAL fam.



Seriously though if you are a woman + you went through multiple IVFs because your partner 'wanted to wait' then you eventually had two, birthed them + gave up work + even when you did work you flew home almost EVERY NIGHT to see them every night they are not "those poor girls"



R to @eduk19831: Abso-effing-lutely.

I've lost a Mum to sudden heart attack.
A best friend of 20 years
A Dad to "My new wife wants me to herself"
and now:

"It wasn't love - I'm sorry, those 21 years were pretend?


Let's start the society!



R to @TansuYegen: That's a gift. He's not old enough to have put in the amount of hours you need to be able to get to that level and play with that amount of confidence.

He looks happy. He's enjoying it. What a beautiful thing.



R to @BoulwareH2: THIS is the worst thing you have ever seen in politics?

Where were you on Jan 6th?

This is only showing people what could actually happen if they don't wake up!