
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @KiwordsKira: It's almost like trypophobia or something for me? Or arachnophobia?

Small moving (or not) sometimes wriggly things that just don't belong doing the same thing over and over? Repeated patterns? (shudder)



R to @TonyEva92385840: It will. Once you're healthy you can fly to me and then we'll all go visit Donna together.

She has been one of my most loyal and staunch supporters and she's also like you and me - she finds the same things funny that not everyone else does!



R to @MrsMcGoo83: I think we should gather all the ones who have supported me since the beginning in one big party - at some point!

I want to show my gratitude!



R to @GrammyMystery: I don't agree. Both me and my father had this gift. (My father more than me)

He is self taught and can just play something from hearing it- something I could never do. He learned himself. I was taught (but an amazing teacher named Catherine)

We are both good, but he is better



R to @TonyEva92385840: I would love to.

But almost all French/Italian people speak English now.

Translating pays like the minimum wage.

The life we have taken on here needs a higher income.

If I'm going to be full time parent AND money earner I need to go back to acting.



R to @viejatwit: That was REAL SNOW!


Faith. (Alice Evans)

Love and hugs xxx



R to @JBtallchick: Omg I don't know!

Sorry for the late reply! I will endeavor to find out!



R to @Karen_Zeta: Yes but through all this I got to meet YOU babe and that makes it pretty dang worth it!



R to @Chrsitna: It has been disproved because had the police not chased him down and put a knee on his neck for over 8 minutes he would not have died.

Fentanyl or not

Personally, I would be happy if he DID have a tiny bit of fentanyl in him because this way he might have felt less pain. 😱