
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Chrsitna: I didn't have a point. You did. You kept saying he had drugs in him.

My point is - so what??



R to @Chrsitna: It's kind of gross what youre trying to say and I don't think I want to go on with this.

Floyd was a black man who was slowly killed by a white man in from of a crowd that was too scared to do anything. For allegedly handing over a fake $20 bill.

If that doesnt make you cry?



R to @joncoopertweets: Me. Sounds silly, but I wept when Marine One flew over my house last Wednesday.

Because I suddenly realized Trump wasn't in it.



R to @Chrsitna: I just don't want to even discuss it. it was horrific. It represented a problem that has been going on for years, but it was particularly gruesome, unnecessary and race-based.




R to @Flossywall: I should take it down and send it to MY lawyer is what I should do.

Thanks babe. It was already on the internet, but when I was notified of it I was surprised since it goes in the face of everything he has said.

better let her deal with it! ❤️



R to @DominoMoore: It's just such an important place for me. In my past.

You're right though. Good job there was no-one was inside.



R to @Ashley14783940: Wow C, so much of my happiness AND trauma is tied in with that train station. So many memories good and bad. So many things I found out there..

The hotel was just always there, not part of it, but part of the landscape. It was a signal that I was home, and then that I wasn't...



R to @StuWatts73: Really sad

With that convoluted set of roundabouts for which they changed the sense of the traffic every now and then.

And the flyover? What happened to that?

Such an interesting dilapidated part of Bristol. SO many memories.



R to @Ashley14783940: Absolutely. They "flipped" my comprehensive. For no reason! It was a really modern design and they razed it then re-built. Grrrr



R to @DominoMoore: Yes I'm fine thank you. Just a bit of a shock to see it like that. ❤️