
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


I just checked in on twitter in a great frame of mind.

I got this from Megan Cowdell who claims to know my husband.

Please join me in condemning this. It's just not fair. I am going through a horrible time and this is just pure meanness.



R to @AliceEvansGruff: It comes form an article I posted about abortion that somebody else wrote and I just agreed with. It doesn't talk about 'cancel' anything.

It this horrific stalking/hunting is to be got off twitter, we need to expose those who do it.

My evening is ruined.




R to @susiepkmelb: Thanks.

Myhands are tied behind me and my speech is gagged as far as my life is concerned.

But random bitches coming for me to hurt me?

No way.



R to @blaylocker: Thank you. Will do likewise.

I guess I have been caught off guard. Even those who don't agree with me have been so courteous recently.



R to @VickyTroke: She laughs then says "your husband hates you, LOL"

So I was assuming from that that she must know something?



R to @AnnaJono: Who are you?

Who is Bianca?

Why would I be stalking ANYONE with a constant battle to work, be a single mum and keep the house straight?

If I was going to stalk somebody it would be my next husband, you know. Not somebody who is in my past already and I'll never see again!



R to @VickyTroke: Thank you Vick. Night, as it happens.

I don't mind discussion, just curl off the cuff comments are so destructive. ❤️



R to @sfbrennan: I don't know
I'll go after a pubic figure, say Kanye or Trump who has said something outrageous, but to say something like "your husband doesn't love you" is perplexing

I don't quite understand where it comes from.

I mean clearly he doesn't. That's why I's suffering. So why?



R to @VickyTroke: It's insane.
It's Italy. (and most Italians won't mind me saying that)



R to @sfbrennan: Yes! I assumed she was responding to my views on abortion. (pro-choice, always)

Perfectly legit, though, to put her point across.

But pure cruelty? No that has to be stamped out at the source.



R to @MLMPrivate: Ah I get it now. She's just an angry person. I should have checked the timeline.

I was just getting into bed after a wonderful evening with my kids and it was so warm and loving and the transition was a teeny bit to harsh even for me! 😂



R to @SrowlesSarah: They never can! it makes you wonder who they REALLY are....



R to @Wilderauthor: This made my morning. Both the original tweet and especially your response Lou.

Wonderful people ❤️❤️😭