
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


How did I miss this? This is AMAZING!
Watch it to the end

"Oh so you're in character are you?"

"What and you're not?" 😂



R to @SxarletRed: it should be illegal to make a profit on health, education, or public transport.

(in a perfect world)



This is why everybody should always video.

PS: Even better, live stream. Even telling a cop you're live streaming has an immediate effect of putting them on their best behavior.



R to @Toward_Forward: Ok that is bad and I see your point.

I was just thinking that it's bad to @ somebody when your point is that people shouldn't make things public.



R to @AliceEvansGruff: I don't approve of @ somebody who has not asked to be @



R to @e43046669: isn't that just the cherry on the cake of the gift of parenthood???




R to @gingerwitch80: Never~ ! I have tried so many times.

Try writing to the BBC. Say a lot of people miss it. (It's true though - I get tons of enquiries all year round)

Maybe we can get them to a meeting of something?



R to @Skentelbery: I'm so sorry your husband passed. You must be feeling so strange about everything if it was recent.

Lasagne looks fab though. Just how my late mum used to make them . (And BOY were we in trouble if we had more than our fair share of crispy bits!)

Sending love.