
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Sian1972Sian: I love insta but I wish they'd let you do it from a laptop. (you can, but not really)

My eyes are so bad I can barely see what I'm typing on the iPhone!



R to @Manatee_Hopkins: She was suspended. How else was she supposed to do it?

She said herself her Mum wouldn't have minded.
Seems a weird thing for people to get uppity about.



R to @sexandtheswiss: Oh no really?
I have a really good Ebay feedback score but I haven't used it for a long time.

I was just starting to make a pile of things I wanted to sell on there...

Honestly thinking of just going to a Consignment place. But then you lose so much of the money..



R to @sexandtheswiss: omg - that's the reason I've been putting it off for longer than I should....



R to @sexandtheswiss: So funny I have two pairs of SUPER expensive louboutins that I bought in a frenzy for the Met ball years ago but didn't wear.

They're not even unboxed. I'm just waiting for the right time! I guess that will be in a few weeks when I am down to zero!!! Ah how the mighty fall😂



R to @sexandtheswiss: 😂😂😂

In a rare moment of weather, it's actually pissing cats and dogs here too this morning!



R to @oconnellaboo: So interesting.
I love the Dyson dryer too.

But I HATE Sharks! I've gone through so many that just didn't last. Different strokes for different folks right?



R to @sexandtheswiss: Funny - all mine are 41s, so we could call ourselves "Big Foot Little Foot!"



R to @sexandtheswiss: Oh yes. Ella is a 39. I think Elsie might be able to fit into yours though - she's like a 32?

She's only 9 though.. so your styles might not be quite so in-sync with one another 😂



R to @Genxpunk69: Yep!

I just wear my reading glasses all the time now and pull them up to look at the road - I did go visit but it was so complicated.. like you say I needed 3/4 different pairs! Or progressives where you had to look at your nose?

It's two much what with child car seats too!



R to @avabird42: I have friends who love them too! I was so excited! I just couldn't get the hang of it.

Ioan had that thing done where you get Lasix for one eye to see far and one for reading and he loves it. ai mean - the last time I saw him about 2 years ago he did!



R to @snazzys123: OH no! Good luck!

I KNOW I will have to give up my beloved house at some point soon because I can't afford it but the date keeps getting pushed back - so by now I could have done all the crap... whereas I know it's going to be last minute + I'll be like you!



R to @byMorganWright: Drink black tea. It's JUST as good for you (if not better because of the fermentation) and tastes delicious with milk or lemon.