
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @beatlebabe2000: She's right Tone!

Until relatively recently, nearly all Brits were from the UK

Whereas in the US, only the Native populations are FROM the US. Everybody else is an immigrant.

I guess we just have a lot of relatives who have emigrated! (third, fourth cousins etc)



R to @TipItMaggieG: My God the comments about you are vile.

I felt dirty just reading them.

Just remember the saying: Well-behaved women never make history.




R to @lindyli: Exactly what I thought.

And from what I've read in the last 20 mins on this site, it's working. 🙄



R to @TonyEva92385840: You know why I think they've never done that? (Like Ebay or Uber for example)

Because they WANT the troll accounts. More accounts = more advertisers.

I give Twitter a year at most. I just can't see it moving with the times.



R to @HelenSparkles: Yes. But you have to mute all combinations of them.

I finally manage to get rid of Kanye West then he changed his name to "Ye"!!!



R to @katytheauthor: Keep me posted.

I am completely skint, but a kind person offered to buy me one.

I hear good and bad about it so I wouldn't want to waste somebody else's money if it was a gift!