
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @retiredintejas: Why do you feel you don't have an equal voice?

I love to discuss all manner of things but occasionally I get trolled because of the blue check

I never asked for the damn thing! It does help people know it's me.

But I won't be paying for it. What would be the point?



R to @byMorganWright: PGTips Gold is on Amazon and it's PERFECTION.

Just remember. Once it's open you CANNOT let the air in at all. Put them in a tin or a ziplock bag or both!!!



R to @TonyEva92385840: I know but even today I've noticed the MAGAts everywhere like they used to be 3 years ago.

Jumping every comment, making no sense, following your TL to throw some more hate on previous comments.

I just got called a transphobe! Because I said Kathy Griffin was a woman. Madness



R to @TonyEva92385840: Some MAGAt I just blocked.

I defended Kathy Griffin. I took a mountain of s. But they were ALL Trump supporters with holes in their brains.

That was just an example of the stirring they do.

She said: "You don't even know what a woman is or if she is one - transphobe".😂



R to @sexandtheswiss: It's NOT a bad idea!

We could go into Goodwill and haggle the prices down from $5.99 to $3!

We could cut and save every single coupon. I was good at both things the last time I was poor!



R to @Genxpunk69: Aahh!

So there would be a difference between the socks and the checks and it would be easier to narrow down who the batshit ones were..

I see your point.



R to @sexandtheswiss: Lol!

It's called 'Whole Pay Check' here. Probably is there too!



R to @BTC_Paradigm: How do you define "better to live"?

How many places have you lived?

I've lived in several big cities in several countries and Los Angeles is just miles better than any of them.



R to @walkingdogs: That's the only reason they s it off.

People have occasionally told me "I'd come visit you in LA but I don't like built-up areas. I like to have nature around me." (Brits, mainly)

Huh? I WISH Los Angeles were a teeny bit more built up and centralized!



R to @sev09982575: Yup.

And even though I have very few people from the UK left now that I see I STILL don't want to leave.

Just being in this city/state makes me happy.



R to @nonyabidness1: Yep. Masochists.

The only reason I have seen friends leave is for financial reasons.

And that's totally valid.

Never had a friend leave Cali because they were unhappy.



R to @TonyEva92385840: I was in a meeting with a school for Ella and the teacher said "you get a choice of "non English" languages.

I said you mean Foreign Languages?

She blushed and said "I'm afraid we're not allowed to say that word any more"

Wait what??



R to @AliceEvansGruff: Ok, so America has no official national language.
And I don't know how anybody gets by really in LA without at least a working knowledge of Spanish.

But the word "foreign" just means "unfamiliar" or "unknown".

Why is that bad?