
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @punkishunicorn: Thank you. I'm hoping these last two years will make them strong adults in the future. But my heart is breaking into pieces.



R to @Ruthie_Snook: Exactly. It's why I hate those people who make jokes about calling child services all the time. You know - when somebody forget's to do something for their kid or whatever. It's just something we shouldn't make jokes about. It normalizes it.



R to @RaptorsUniverse: I am very aware of that.
You obviously don't know what has been discussed in my particular case though.



R to @sharksfan9771: I thought of that when I went to bed afterwards.

I thought of Breonna Taylor. 😭



R to @hedgeswoman: Isn't it funny that they (or she) don't realize that they are abusing me.

Like the Insta profile named "AliceEvansIsAnAbuser" which does nothing more than throw abuse at me.

And why?



R to @sharksfan9771: Yes and they were really really good guys. Really good at their jobs - and kind. One female one male. Both African American.



R to @RadFinch: Thanks Chris. Of course I wouldn't. I've given up everything for them for the past two years, and almost everything for them since they were born! You know how much I adore them.

And they me, according to what the police told me. Woo hoo! We are a very very tight threesome.



R to @Bukalove04: 🤭 Put it this way. They were EXTREMELY good at their jobs.

Now I can spell 'welfare', but not for a million dollars could you get me to go in to a house where there might be a guy about to shoot me! 😂

(I've even found it hard to hold the gun right for movies! 😂)



R to @BruntonElle: I know. That's the vicious cycle I'm in.

Two years of harassment and terror. Two years of being told by all and sundry "Don't say or post anything It won't help your case"

And they're right! But I would kill myself if I didn't have my girls. Honestly. It's relentless



R to @jnvetnurse: Thank you and I'm so sorry you have been there too. I hope things are better for you now sweet girl!



R to @Kassia_skor97: Oh I LOVE an early August Leo!!!!

(Did you know I read a (very unscientific) study somewhere and it turned out that half the rest of the zodiac would be happy to give up their sign in order to be a Leo!)

So weird!