
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @AliceEvansGruff: In my friend's case the police weren't so nice and one of the kids said 'yes well she does talk loud when she's drinking!' or something funny like that.

They tried to take all 4 kids away and they went through a horrible trial.

She won. And she found out who made the call.



R to @TattleisEvil: Thank you so so so much for your kind words.

I have never been anything but kind to everyone!

The only time I lost my mind is when my husband left and ghosted me after 21 years. I'm completely ashamed of the things I said then. But they were mostly private.

You are awesome.



R to @StephanieSidley: Aw thank you so much! It is tough sometimes but worth it! You are so kind



R to @shill07: Not silly at all. It's a definite option.

My only worry is for the kids. This is where they grew up I worry about them leaving their friends and all their familiar places. It's a discussion, let's say.



R to @TattleisEvil: omg I'm really sorry! that's awful he dumped you! I wish I could give you a hug!



R to @JessieDutton: So so sorry. She is beautiful and it must be so hard.

I also lost a sister to suicide but I didn't know her very well since she came into my family when my Dad remarried (step sister). I can't imagine what you are going through.

I'm here if you ever need to talk!



R to @TattleisEvil: The 'she's against brunettes' thing?

Entirely made up! Find the quote. It doesn't exist. It even went on my freaking Wikipedia! it makes no sense and I would never say anything so clearly stupid. Hair-color is changeable and I've been all colors.

Also when did I meet you?



R to @TattleisEvil: To be fair I only said ONCE that I was smug married and that was on Lorraine and was an admission that I SHOULDN'T have been smug married, I should have been keeping an eye on my hub!

Also I got really lucky with UCL. They offered me BCE. Wouldn't have got in otherwise



R to @TonyEva92385840: I'm not actually sure it was this person now. But it's weird when she says "When will it stop this abuse?"

And the police had been told there was abuse going on.

Why do you know who it is? Twattler?



R to @AliceEvansGruff: It's blows my mind that I'm apparently the abuser.

Well - the police don't think so, so puts a bit of a kibosh on anything anybody else might have said!



R to @Ruthie_Snook: I actually think they have to also.

Because when it happened to my friend she eventually found out who it was. I think it was the Mom of somebody her daughter had fallen out with in school!!

But then you hear these stories where tip after tip is ignored and s/o kills somebody!



R to @punkishunicorn: Thank you so much.

We're all three a bit down tonight. It seems to have hit us harder than it did at the time.



R to @TonyEva92385840: Thank you.

I have never abused anyone. Nor have I ever rolled on the ground drinking wine at 11am. Or hit a partner.