
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @eduk19831: Thank you Ed!

Also I may have said it's sometimes 80% but it's not always as you know.

As a single mother I HAVE to get their meals, check on them in the night, put them to bed etc! So you just push through.



R to @BelfastGemmaS: Thank you.

I've been subjected to hate for almost two years now. And I'm not allowed to say anything. I believe the truth will out. I have to.



R to @Flossywall: Well - it was certainly somebody who knew my address!

If they didn't then how did they explain that there was something going on?

(They said I was drunk too. I wasn't. Police confirmed that too!) There was a can of sparkling water next to my bed!



R to @WizardWaltz: I thought that too.

In England there have been a few famous cases recently of kids getting abused and beaten to death and the social services not catching it.

Imagine calling them and telling them there is abuse when you know for certain there is not. My god



R to @MissEllsBelles: Yes that's what I'm thinking.

I know somebody tagged the LAPD in a tweet but that's not enough to make them come round expecting to find a drunk mother and abused kids.

I was on adrenalin this morning but it's sinking in and I'm feeling very down + quite angry



R to @William80042317: Thank you so much. I have had some wonderful friends step up and others who have offered. Good to know that exists but I have enough to feed them and me for the next few days - you are so sweet.



R to @TattleisEvil: Do you think it's one of the tattle community that called the police last night?

I spoke to them about the hate campaign - they said I should pay the department a visit with screenshots etc.



R to @sharksfan9771: Yes!
You can just call up and not give your name!

In this case it worked in my favor. I didn't know they were coming but was not drinking alcohol and the girls were clearly happy with me and explained I'd never so much as touched or shouted at them.

What is 'seatted'?



R to @hotknight22: I can't answer that because I'm not allowed to speak about him!

But Jeez - who knows!



R to @Jamesayeayewhat: That's sweet! We did have a good chat after the initial shock was over!



R to @josherid_joan: I'm so sorry you went through this too!

I have thoughts about who it could be - I may be able to find out.

Why are people so unkind?



R to @nettykingsly: right?

The funniest thing was that I hadn't even had a drink!

not saying I don't, but as you say it's not a crime and clearly I don't drink every night or they would have caught me!



R to @sharksfan9771: Oh I see! LOL!

There I was trying to work out this new slang word I hadn't heard of!



R to @sharksfan9771: Yes - I get it.

Well it's scary! Because they do that here!

A friend of mine had this happen. The cops were not nice like mine were and went through the house looking for alcohol bottles. Then a social worker tried to make her admit she drank vodka all day. (She's ok now!)