
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @myhalcyondaze: Bless you! NO I definitely wouldn't change a thing.

You are adorable.




R to @Chaaile: Oui en fait c'est ca qui les a fait passe pour des imbeciles, les trolls - c'est que grace a leur tentative de me fair passer pour une maman qui abuse - ils ont effectivement prouve tout le contraire! 🤭



R to @hospmom: Yes me too. Love and don't love.

Happy people are learning what it is, not happy I still have it!



R to @jescrawford: I think there are people who know who it is.

She is from a hate-site named Tattle. They log on every day and spew nasty thoughts and lies about other people. That's literally all it's for.



R to @DimSum345678: Yep.

Facing a three day weekend with no actual access to money I was totally freaked out.

I am not allowed to contact him. I tried contacting a lot of people before I posted.



R to @susangray2510: Me too!

I would be round there like a flash. Especially hearing that the police had been called.

I'd be on the phone wanting to know everybody was ok.



R to @MNW533: You're right. And thank you.

I've just had a really rough weekend and I loose my strength of character when that happens!




R to @MLMPrivate: Thank you!

I love that they say 'the truth always comes out'.

Oh yes - it does and that's what I am hoping!



R to @mihjo: Thank you so much.

I am close to breaking down. I'm sure I'll be better tomorrow. It's just a lot at one time.

You're very sweet.



R to @natcatvins: I know right? But it's hard.

Because these people are cowards, they never give their real names or photos. And they change their accounts regularly and often use VPNs.

I've actually found out who some od them are but it's very hard to prove in court. AND - It costs money!



R to @JennPerla: It's awful. It's the law. Because he has taken out a law suit against me we can't leave California until it is settled.

But the law suits just keep coming and coming. I would love to be able to take them somewhere on a little break.



R to @MLMPrivate: Isn't that weird. I mean psychologically. They spend their days on tattle taking screenshots of things I write on SM and talking about me.

But they don't have the courage to show their faces or even explain what their issue is.



R to @AliceEvansGruff: Also the disingenuousness. The puerility. "I'd take either over being Alice Evans"

The desperate wish for me to see that she 'doesn't want to be me'. She clearly DOES want to be me cos if not why so much attention?

It's incredibly low-brow + odd. reminds me of schoolkids🙅‍♀️



R to @MLMPrivate: Yes I agree. Somebody certainly needs to take the Tattle one down before there is another suicide.

Some of the haters are from a group that existed 15 years ago - they were fanatics of my ex and they didn't think I was the right wife for him.

You'd think they'd be ok now!



R to @superlorna69: Exactly. And it's sad because there are so, so many adorable fans. People who follow the lives of actors or singers etc and are so loyal and kind!

This other type is a more recent thing. I think it's like some sort of addiction .

I ignore them - until they send the cops round!