
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @MOLLYBRUSH1903: Thank you so much!

The really scary part was the my youngest was at a playdate with her best friend and was being brought back around the time they arrived.

When I saw the police with their solemn expression I thought immediately that somebody had died. My knees almost went



R to @LadyMandyisms: Wow. What a way to put it. I agree with you!

Even "about what happened" would have been better than "event" which makes it sound like some sort of party.



R to @MLMPrivate: I have to admit, I have had a bit of a chuckle to myself over the weekend.

Since before, there was only this lie that got bigger and bigger until it became urban myth on social haters media. Clearly I abused my kids.

Now we have the truth. Clearly I don't!



R to @TonyEva92385840: Sorry to hear that! I'm here if you need me. No Gloria for a while + very busy with lawyer calls + PTCs and driving back between and forth between schools plus I need to get the car fixed but I need a full day. But I have my phone on me all times if you need me. I love you!😍



R to @sexandtheswiss: Yes it's linked to fibro quite often. My rheumy felt quite strongly I had it so he sent me to went a specialist and I failed all the tests!

Have you seen anyone for it?



R to @sexandtheswiss: If you feel dizzy a lot, or fall over, and especially if your BP does all sorts of crazy things it could mean to have a form of it.

I don't take the medication any more but I'm glad I know what it is, because the fainting and tripping - I constantly through I had other things.



R to @sexandtheswiss: Florinef is good, but it is still a steroid and I couldn't stay on it. Made me crazy.

Obvs I'm not a doctor but ask if they have Midodrine. I was very happy on a micro-dose of that for about 7 years - until it started raising my BP too high + too often.



R to @TonyEva92385840: Conference! Very good!

They nearly always have them on the same week.

WHOLE week off next week. God knows what we'll do! 😂



R to @Chaaile: Wow. Je ne savais pas du tout que mon petit frère parlait aussi bien le français!



R to @TonyEva92385840: Aw, bless! We'll find something.

Funny thing is, Elsie is not happy unless she has climbing frames/obstacle courses and about one hundred people involved whereas Ella likes to chill at home and read or watch movies.

(I know which I prefer but ssshhh!)



R to @sexandtheswiss: No I agree. They're horrible. I appreciate that there are people who wouldn't be alive without them but they're not good for you in the long run and even in the short term they make me really really sad!

Trying to remember the generic name for midodrine. I'll find it.



R to @heathertrinity: I'm sorry. If I can find one whilst clearing out I will absolutely send it to you!