
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @gc0123456: I think there is some stuff in storage - which is (obvs) in a storage! Very soon I am going to need to empty it and am pretty sure there is stuff there.

I will keep you posted. You are so sweet



R to @TonyEva92385840: Block it Tone. It's a bot. Or a Tattler. Same difference really!



R to @gc0123456: Aw that's so sweet! I will definitely remember when I get around to going through it. (And I need to do it SOON!)

Don't know if I deserve to be up there with MM and Steve McQ but I'd be very happy to be in your garden!



R to @gc0123456: I couldn't possibly! lol!

That is a beautiful bar!

I'm not sure I have any prints that big though. I mean I do, but they've been lost along the way.

Let's see what I can find. LOVE that bar!



R to @MeL8tleigh: Yep. And the way they word stuff is often misleading. Which provokes the trolls and bots to make assumptions.



R to @CMargaronis: I know! And these people stalk me 24/7

The most batshit one has 5,000 screenshots of things I've said.

She should use them to wallpaper her Mom + Dad's basement. That'd give her something to do.



R to @MeL8tleigh: So true. Society doesn't really like women speaking up about anything.

"It's not dignified" is what they say. But what they mean is "we don't want to hear it".



R to @DemonGher: He needs to trademark this system immediately or everybody'll be doing it...!



R to @MrsMcGoo83: Would it be odd if I just stole the picture and hung it on my bedroom wall.

It's just... I've always been really really into Luton. Honestly. 😁



R to @TonyEva92385840: I don't Probably Witchy Welp thinking using a man's name will confuse us.

The only time I ever get worried is when they can construct articulate sentences and pose questions that make sense and spark genuine thought.

None of these lot have ever done that yet



R to @TonyEva92385840: Me too Tone. Maybe even THREE kisses, like they do further down south in France.

Hugs too. Lost of virtual hugs. Many more than 'Jorge' gives to all his millions of sibbers....



R to @DemonGher: Good thinking! Let him do it, then step in and show 'em the tweet. Say sorry mate but I was there first.

I get 10%

OK. 5%

