
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @CristinaBukows1: One child arrived home when the police had just arrived at the house.

She was brought in by the father of her friend. The police also interviewed him before he left.

So that is true. 🙄



R to @BeckyMi76277045: I'm so sorry that happened to you too. Seems like it's a fairly common accusation.

And yes, the answer in these cases is exactly that: if you thought your kids were being abused by their mother, why would you leave them with her even for a second?



R to @CristinaBukows1: My children were interviewed by the police. They found no signs of physical or mental abuse, or of alienation towards their father. They told them and me, that they were 'amazing kids'.

Now go back to tattle and report your findings and maybe stop abusing me.



R to @ColumbiaBugle: You don't know how NPR works, do you?

WE fund it. The listeners.



R to @DJ_Formica: It really is. "from the mouths of conservative farmers" made me lol!



R to @MeL8tleigh: Thank you so much Mel.
I am going to file a stalking report.

I also found out last night it is possible to subpoena the police to find out who called.



R to @MinsterMum_: Aw thank you for remembering. I have an email from them this morning. I think there may be a glitch in my system but it looks like they're on it.



R to @MeL8tleigh: Yes I was shocked at all the anti-Gisele stuff I read yesterday. Who even knows what happened?