Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Aunt Sally is a Christian missionary. She tells everyone she goes to Palestine and “helps the beautiful people” there. It’s a MUSLIM country. Another thing that has just gone completely under the radar because nobody has a brain cell. Preying on the vulnerable
Palestine and Isreal is full of Muslims, Christians and Jews. On both sides, but mostly Palestine is a mixture of all 3 which is quite sad. I doubt she's going anywhere.
Ok and remind me who is drama banana? The amount of characters that have been discussed this weekend in completely lost. Has she been unmodded
The creator of the Whitney Houston classic “I done nuffin”. I don’t know if she’s been unmodded actually. As Angie did state she does like the drama
Mar 15, 2024
Mazekeen is saying we let ourselves down talking about tam on here 🙄
Why though? Tam isn't my friend... 😂 I stand by what I said about Tam, and what I said tbh was accurate hence why noone came at me after for saying what I said 😂 and I only commented on her parenting, like EVERYONE does on tiktok, I just don't have any loyalties towards Tam, like they do, because she isn't my friend 💁‍♀️ but I guess since maze is friends with Tam, she's not going to openly compliment CC if Tam had been spoken about 💁‍♀️😂
Feb 28, 2024
Palestine and Isreal is full of Muslims, Christians and Jews. On both sides, but mostly Palestine is a mixture of all 3 which is quite sad. I doubt she's going anywhere.
No it’s almost all Muslim. The community of Christians is tiny - I just googled cos you had me doubting myself it’s 6% Christian 93% Muslim. She’s not visiting them. She was there last summer, (before October). And Ricksta went with her one time.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Exactly, comments were made and then asked for it to be taken to another thread as because we don't associate with Tam, we didn't want constant Tam talk 💁‍♀️
I just wasn't moving to another thread after mazza insinuated I was a wrongun on here for watching her pals live. She basically insinuated I was the pedo and I wasn't moving to talk about the issue and that comment to get overlooked. It just shows their motive they tried to get in with everyone to control what we say and when we haven't done that suddenly again they are insinuating we are all wronguns. I'll stop making trouble for use & get back to my holiday 🏃‍♀️
Mar 15, 2024
Most of it was me and I'm not sorry
Nah I also, stated that if her kids are being threatened and doxed, well protect them and stop putting yourselves in situations that don't protect them 💁‍♀️ I don't take that back either... I'm a viewer and this was my view. She's not my friend, so I don't have to justify or enable her behaviour 💁‍♀️ I don't do that for anyone on tiktok, as I don't make friendships, or personal friendship groups online as I have all I need socially in my real life, and I never talk about my personal life online because I don't get people who do that, its weird to me, that such personal topics are discussed online to essentially strangers that you've never met 😂💁‍♀️
If anyone hadn’t seen the IVE DONE NOTHING remix, might as well w it out here, since I’ve been outted by the girl who literally got voted out of being moderator tonight, and none of the accounts Angie read out were even Comment Cafe accounts, because the viewers literally don’t like you Lynz.
I sing this so often that I have no idea what the original words were, anymore
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