Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 9, 2024
The Bogs Of Eternal Stench
By the way, dont normally say nice things regarding people, on the internet as don't really know them well enough, but I do just want to say, you seem like just a genuinely nice person, and you come across as one of the fairest in here, I certainly enjoy reading your posts & your opinion on things.
Ok. But you literally tell us every day that you don’t have friendships or loyalties to anyone on the app or on here either. Thank you for your kind comments I guess? Wouldn’t trust you with a barge pole.


Mar 9, 2024
The Bogs Of Eternal Stench
I dont have friendships, or have any loyalties to anyone? Nor do I trust anyone at all either 😭😂 I'm not sure how me saying something I've noticed about you entails anything about friendships or loyalties. I would think your bananas if you trusted me, or anyone on the internet tbh 😭😂
Nah I’m a good reader of people I want to interact with basically. And you are not one of them.
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
When you think you’re making a pfp for a Cafe fecker but then get the biggest betrayal of 2024 💔

Mar 14, 2024
Literally feels like all of this is because Mabel and Mazza were almost accepted by CC, but CC still hated Tam. Reason being, the absolute novel worth of reasons to dislike this toadnocerous of a t

But despite Mabel and Mazza making out that they ‘always speak out again the bad people’ the pair of them were just too pussio to speak out against Tam.

They clearly know Tam is a t. Mabel didn’t block her for nothing.

They are just pussies.

And because they can’t take it out on the majority of CC because they don’t know who we are (despite Oirish Kelly’s claims) they are taking it out on Mummy Belton because she is the easiest target for a bunch of bullies to make out is the bad guy.
I totally agree with you. I really feel for MB the things that have been said about her over the last couple of days are vile. I'm actually really disappointed in Chloe and Serena, as allegedly good friends of MB actually sitting in the live and not shutting down what was said but instead feeding it! Mocking her autism, mh and everything. Why are these fers afraid of speaking upto Tam? She's just a gob. Mazza and Mabel I get because they've always been untrustworthy gobby fs, history shows us that. I'm sick of these women and the utter hypocrisy they spout, I literally want to smack all of them in the face with a spade and I'm not a violent person but I think it might knock their few brain cells into starting to work! Pussies.
Mar 15, 2024
Never used to like 🖤 chloe but she's starting to grow on me her zia impression is hilarious 😂
She does a brilliant impression off Zia, I was disappointed when MT did that prank saying Zia was coming in his box to expose Angie, and a Zia account came up, but it was actually TJ, if he had used Chloe, 100% everyone would have truly believed it was Zia 😭😂
Mar 15, 2024
Oi leave Claire alone, she's probably the only half decent one to watch 🤣
I forgot to reply to you earlier, it was on tattle you were mentioned, they were speaking about Queen G, but the way they wrote it sounded like Queen G also is Terry chocolates orange, but they were basically talking about how Queen G made a threat to you, using a baseball bat! I don't even know who she is, or have seen her, but have heard her mentioned a few times xx
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