Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 7, 2024
but then what has Grimbsby Gobbler done? and they are a seperate account to Mrs Doubtfire and i dont think mrs doubtfire is actually scottish loll. do they just not like their username? why cant i join a live and say theyve all been racist and that i think theyre all connected in their views?! someone has to explain why they can show elphabas private messages when she was 19? crazy.
It’s double standards I’m sick of it
Mar 11, 2024
Don't feel sorry for red one bit she bullied a 19 year old for over a year and opened her box's so middle age men and women could do the same hope she does leave the app shes toxic all fur no knickers
Here here. I have no sympathy for red she gets what everyone else has to face. She thought she was/is untouchable but she isn’t. She acts like she’s better than everyone but for me she’s the worst. To sit on live bullying people and expecting gifts for it. She chooses to do FYP with no research. Look how she attacks Emz. Yes she has a drink issue but does red know know Emz history of why she drinks like she does? No. Because then it wouldn’t be drama


Mar 1, 2024
Just putting it out there for the “inner circle” to see:
I don’t want anyone’s mental health affected
I’m against any form of doxxing or threats, cruel messages or false allegations (like miss reds friend EQ has made to miss red but we forget about that)
I do not have my opinions on this forum to cause distress, I am passionate when I see wrongdoings in any situation, including TikTok.

I DO want to see accountability and change and an end to lying, twisting things and manipulating. I want to see an end to this getting friends out of the s just cause they’re your friends and using all your viewers to spew your made up narratives onto. My job here is to call out the bullshit and force you TO DO BETTER!
My thoughts exactly we write what we see ... The truth the whole truth n nothing but the god dam truth


Feb 29, 2024
Irony of Alex saying comment cafe think they’re judge and jury which is exactly how that circle and other creators move on this app.

*big eyeroll*
its because we can t be controlled they all fear us
Scared Super Troopers GIF by Searchlight Pictures
Unfortunately some people are hiding behind us and we are getting the blame. Also we all don't see the same feed as we don't see who we have ignored
I make funny quips and gob off because I grew up with millennial humour and that’s just how I am. But I am not a hypocrite. I call out the people who do these awful things so I’m not going to be a t that also does it. I don’t know who would be doing these things, I’ve grown to enjoy chatting with so many of you guys on here and it’s a laugh. People like Miss Baguette seem to have very good morals and they use entertaining ways to show that and out the bad on the app.

They can say we are just trolls, but it’s a bit deeper than trolling. Ike I said before, we are like cheeky vigilantes here
Mar 11, 2024
I think it’s bullshit. I asked for proof in his comments multiple times. And I’m gonna say it…if she was doxxed then it’ll likely be Alex. Over the months he’s always the first to say oh this troll account was made or this person was doxxed. It’s really sus.

He also came on and said she was ringing the emergency services and a short while later cockerpoo came on and said she just spoke with Red and she’s doing a live later🙄
Who remembers when he did risings he said he had all the information on a convicted pedlo and after risings he was going to expose them. Firstly why wait ( that’s right it might of affected gifts) and still no exposure on said convicted pedlo.
He’s full of Bollox
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