Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 17, 2024
I need you all to do me a favour and keep bumping this post so that Miss Dread or J reads it.
It may trigger some people so apologies in advance.

Miss Red,.. Does Mama kaz know what you've been saying about her? Baring in mind she has had your back and fought your corner so passionately.
Why have you told a lot of people that MK has a loaded gun in her house because papa Dean has an obsession to kill her ? I'm sure Mama kaz can confirm she confided in you and you chose to share it with a lot of people. - who needs enemies when you have friends like YOU.
There's plenty more to come out and I'm going to take pride in telling EQ what you've said about her. (Which is pretty sick) Oh.. and lets not forget what you've also said about Dg. Mull that over Miss Red I would love to hear what excuse you're going to come out with now.

Edit - The things you've shared about EQ are so shocking that I feel it would be wrong of me to post it on here. Mainly because its her trauma and no one else's. Miss Red, You are absolutely vile!!
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Feb 28, 2024
Yeah , Millsy was trying to get the point across that he wasn't attacking `her` , he made a comment and I believe he apologised afterwards , she was trying to prove what you've just written there , unfortunately a lot don't see what's going on like some of us do because they're so wrapped up in these little bubbles
I’m confused. But Luci is a known t, and she can’t police what kaz or anyone else thinks.

Her mod got into debt and she didn’t give her any of the money back. Shes awful.


Mar 17, 2024
I have tried to message Canadian Ange, but her setting are set to friends only. It's not because I like EQ, its mainly because she has a right to know what's being said about her, so she can prepare herself for when it comes out. I don't like EQ but it's still wrong and only she would know what shes told Miss Red.
Maybe try EQ Minx. I think her and EQ are very tight


Shall I message that minx she follows me
Yes, please, I'm in an awkward situation right now because I don't know what's the right way to go about it. The Mama kaz situation is completely different compared to Eq. I feel like I'm talking in riddles. - sorry everyone!
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This is so sad. No matter what eq says and try’s to make out she doesn’t care, she was so upset when red chose DG, I think she thought it was a genuine friendship with red. Now for this to come out 🫣 I’m not one for using childhood trauma to explain why your such a t as an adult BUT this may explain why EQ acts the way she does 🤷🏻‍♀️
It actually explains a lot, even I can see why she is the way she is, IF what Miss Red has told people is true.
Feb 28, 2024
It's mad because they all sit calling each other out ,but they're just as bad! None of them have any kind of moral compass
It’s so frustrating when you’re like do yeah this person has it right then you get told they’re an abuser. Like ahhhh of course.

I got the ick with kas when I realised he wants to be a tiktoker like the rest, wedding is off. Still happy for him to take them al down Tho
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