Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 28, 2024
Comment Cafe HQ
@D3V1LH3ART for you
I fing love it - Thank you! <3
Feb 29, 2024
Tam just joined the live then typed she’s driving

Why’s she touching her phone, clicking in lives and typing while driving man, I can’t cope with people anymore.

If they don’t give a s about their own life fair enough but don’t endanger everyone else’s.

Please someone whoever is friends with Tam who reads this, will you have a word with her. It ain’t cool

And buster too 👀
Nov 10, 2023
I'm taking a huge break from tiktok
i didn't realise i was burying my head in the sand about my health and mental health.
i am popping off way too quickly and at this point i'm annoying myself.
got a lot of things i need to reflect and think on.
Do what you need to do, at the end of the day you’re the most important person in your world. Don’t be a stranger, though.
Feb 28, 2024
We’re going to have to start a day s, a back shift, and a night shift in here🫣 a really don’t want to look back all them pages. Can Anyone give me a little insight into last night please?

Also! I was on Charlie’s live earlier and was listening to them “debate” about the royals, this lad called Darren came into the box and and gave his 2p worth then chippy appeared in the comments saying “I’m bored now” then got up in the box and started being a right dickhead to the lad. Chippy surely coming out his fing shell now ain’t he! Can’t stand him when he thinks he’s a big s in the box. Chippy “used to” be a nice lad when he was going in ginger pubes’s box and since going on live with time and max he’s became a knobhead😊

Anyway a good morning and I hope my lovely commenters have a good one✌🏽
Mar 13, 2024
Angie will take that as a massive W for the cult
this is the reason why i just kept going live and ignoring my body/mental health out of sheer spite of not wanting to let angie win
but at this point i don't care anymore
my health and my friends are more important
the more i mouth off the more my friends seem to be targeted

i can't win either way, if i keep going im wrong if i stop im wrong
Feb 29, 2024
Nah it’s actually really funny! 🤣 I convinced her sheryl was live slagging her off and then Alex brigham somehow came in, and it went crazy Demi was singing a song about Alex and Angie In a basement 🤣
@SheilaMilkshake this is pretty much it but there’s loads of funny videos of demi singing about Alex and Toni and Alex and Angie in a basement 🤣
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
this is the reason why i just kept going live and ignoring my body/mental health out of sheer spite of not wanting to let angie win
but at this point i don't care anymore
my health and my friends are more important
the more i mouth off the more my friends seem to be targeted

i can't win either way, if i keep going im wrong if i stop im wrong
Look after yourself, you don't have to fight everyone's battles.
Angie is irrelevant...the more people ignore her the better!
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