Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 17, 2024
Right, I’ve watched Angie for 10 minutes, not taken a word anyone’s said in, it’s filled with bores, the lives a bore, doesn’t even feel worth trying to be witty or even troll her. Lost interest. Can one of the other side please kick off about someone?
Yes her lives are so boring now i cant even stay for 10 min .

Right, I’ve watched Angie for 10 minutes, not taken a word anyone’s said in, it’s filled with bores, the lives a bore, doesn’t even feel worth trying to be witty or even troll her. Lost interest. Can one of the other side please kick off about someone?
Yes her lives are so boring now i cant even stay for 10 min .
Mar 15, 2024
Thanks for having my back, I identify as a toaster ❤️
download (8).jpeg


Feb 13, 2024
Honestly I'm not trying to imply any bad on you, I'm reading back and zias false teeth has pulled me up with how they have read it, i get it. But i genuinely would never falsely accuse someone of anything. do the last thing i want to do is argue with everyone. I'm not trying to convince you all to like someone, I'm defending them. You guys are free to have your own opinions, and I'm free to have mine.
But yours wasn’t an opinion it was a manifest, to influence our views, we saw what we saw and heard what we heard. No amount of telling us about her success rates and all is going to change our opinions, no one asked for her to come on and do the exposure, but she did and along with her in her comments were most of the t group. She denies any dealings with them in one breath and the next she’s saying otherwise, she allowed Lottie for some peculiar reason too ! Its not ok
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Honestly I'm not trying to imply any bad on you, I'm reading back and zias false teeth has pulled me up with how they have read it, i get it. But i genuinely would never falsely accuse someone of anything. do the last thing i want to do is argue with everyone. I'm not trying to convince you all to like someone, I'm defending them. You guys are free to have your own opinions, and I'm free to have mine.
I felt like you did imply I watched it out of some sinister reason. I watched Tam with a greenscreen of her a few years ago up. I didn't see any kids, I didn't see any videos and I didn't hear any voice notes nor would I ever want to. But she told the full live what these photos were what was in a video and that her WhatsApp was being flooded with evidence against plm. Alex b got in the box and said he had stuff sent to him too. Tam then said she was cutting ties with them all. She still and Johnny in her comments when I left. I came over here asking why they wouldn't go to the police and I wasn't back in her live.
Mar 16, 2024
That was outstanding 👏🏻 You know what you were trying to do and so do we. None of us lie where kids are involved. None of us have made up anything we heard in that live. Also no, you won’t win. We see bullshit we call it out. You tried to imply what you did about Judas and it ain’t gonna wash in here. Nor will the victim act.
I'm really trying here, I didn't see the live, we were live. I genuinely don't want to argue with you. I didn't see it so I'm going on hearsay. I'm trying my best to rectify how what I've written has came across. It's on me. I'm not trying to blame you. But i genuinely would never make sinister implications on anyone because that's morally wrong.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I'm really trying here, I didn't see the live, we were live. I genuinely don't want to argue with you. I didn't see it so I'm going on hearsay. I'm trying my best to rectify how what I've written has came across. It's on me. I'm not trying to blame you. But i genuinely would never make sinister implications on anyone because that's morally wrong.
I don't know if she's came to use today to ask use to do this but that's how it's coming across. Because she was aware that comment cafe were watching she made a few comments. Either way it's not your place especially if you didn't see it and we did.


Feb 13, 2024
I don't know if she's came to use today to ask use to do this but that's how it's coming across. Because she was aware that comment cafe were watching she made a few comments. Either way it's not your place especially if you didn't see it and we did.
And we’d pretty much not chatted about it again since tonight !!
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