Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 15, 2024
He has the personality of his own baked bean can , I was more the repetitive songs and talking utter tosh, I gave up listening to Heart when they took over all the local radio stations

He'd suit somewhere with even less listeners than his current viewership , like BBC radio 3
Maybe those radios channels are like the ones you get when your in the middle of nowhere with barely any signal and you get this random radio channel on, with Charlie talking s and playing s songs 😂 then again I'd be like do this, ima drive in silence 😂
Yepppp! 😂😂 I'm telling you now, she has a section coming, she is becoming sooooo erratic just like last time, she's display all the symptoms of becoming psychotic so 100% needs sectioning sooner, rather than later tbh!
It’s hard to tell with gemz if she’s being real or putting on a show. She probably should be sectioned far more often than she gets but half the time we assume she’s just being Gemz.
Feb 29, 2024
Urhhh nor even 9.30 and Green hair Gracie is crying. About last night, calling out others saying not 1 creator in that comp did what we did. So she's put it on a sub ONLY LIVE.. just another Greedy way of getting your money by charging to watch 😡😡
I’ve been trying to find clips from last night but can’t find any 🤣
Mar 12, 2024
United kingdom
Urhhh nor even 9.30 and Green hair Gracie is crying. About last night, calling out others saying not 1 creator in that comp did what we did. So she's put it on a sub ONLY LIVE.. just another Greedy way of getting your money by charging to watch 😡😡
She just said she blocked alreadyclear when he came in an other big gifters. So how can she complain? I understand she was sniped at the end but I think she needs to be greatful for the around 15k she earned in 2 days!
Mar 15, 2024
It’s hard to tell with gemz if she’s being real or putting on a show. She probably should be sectioned far more often than she gets but half the time we assume she’s just being Gemz.
Yeah, I can normally tell, I called it last time before she got sectioned, it's the slight hallucinating and being extremely unrealistic in what's she's saying, that is giving a breakdown, coming up tbh! Her bipolar and whatever other mental illness she has is 100% not being controlled by medication. When she came out of sectioning last time, she was almost normal, calm etc, she has 💯 stopped taking her medication!
Feb 29, 2024
It’s hard to tell with gemz if she’s being real or putting on a show. She probably should be sectioned far more often than she gets but half the time we assume she’s just being Gemz.
The video someone posted yesterday where she did a handstand in the middle of kicking off had me on stitches 🤣
Feb 29, 2024
You know what baffled me about yesterday is how quickly peoples morals and standards change. When chippy got in Angies box and advised her on Zia, sheryl and Wayne and was up Angies ass, he got absolutely no repercussions when he returned, not from max, Charlie or any of them, but yet when Hannah and Hayley both got in that sides boxes to DEFEND themselves, everyone kicked off at them. Max shouted at both of them. So it was okay for chippy to get in angies box.. not even to defend himself but to offer her friendly advice to support her.. like what now Zia, Wayne and Sheryl have left everything you said about Angie, since you've not been friends is now out the window? Everything that she lied about at the weekend is okay now?

I don't know how Hannah and Hayley felt with chippy getting in the box and then chippy and Tim having banter with Angje both in the box, and to come back and NOONE says anything, if I was hannah and hayley I would have been absolutely pissed and called them out on their hypocrisy!
Urgh Chippy Max and Tim. Not a nice trio. Max seems to want some validation for taking Ang to a hospital 6 months ago, she certainly mentions it enough. In fact she doesn’t really have anything else to offer to any conversation other than making excuses for pricksta and name dropping morons like dave Dorans.

Chippy seems to now exist online chronically with an opinion on everything and everybody, not sure about what happened with that Hannah but he certainly acted like a fing spoilt brat about it. Mr “you can go anywhere” 🫠🫠 then flounces off the app for less than five minutes coz he can’t trust anyone. He was bitching that Bazza was speaking to Wayne and Zia, don’t get butthurt Chipster I’m sure he still likes you too 🤷‍♂️

Max is just a mouth piece that even her supposed ‘friends’ can’t seem to stand.

Why do any of them think they can tell people on tik tok who to talk to or not talk to ??? Millsy makes sense when she says stuff about not being real friends etc I think chip man dies inside everytime she does though 😱
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Mar 15, 2024
The video someone posted yesterday where she did a handstand in the middle of kicking off had me on stitches 🤣
Yeah I watched it live, she was in a service station rapping loudly about burning off burgers and fries, she stood up on a chair in the burger king section aswell, doing the most oddest dance; I think people were almost avoiding making eye contact with her probably out of fear she'd lose her s 💯
Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
Yepppp! 😂😂 I'm telling you now, she has a section coming, she is becoming sooooo erratic just like last time, she's display all the symptoms of becoming psychotic so 100% needs sectioning sooner, rather than later tbh!
She just threaten to shoot Tommy then? I’m not very street and couldn’t tell 😂
She said the same to dave dorans after she mentioned his boys. I can't remember what she said but dave was raging, threatened to get her then said he was getting some woman to do her in. She was like if anyone comes to my door I've got a sawn off ready. The only thing she's got sawn off is a pair of jeans she's cut into shorts the crackhead
Mar 13, 2024
She just said she blocked alreadyclear when he came in an other big gifters. So how can she complain? I understand she was sniped at the end but I think she needs to be greatful for the around 15k she earned in 2 days!
I'm watching from outside & not paying to watch..
But now she's moaning that 90% of her gufters go to work & gift her so she's pissed off for them as it's not a gifting circle it's hard working people...
Umm gracie if you ain't happy you could Always go get a proper job?.
Nov 10, 2023
Morning sods.

Look I know this isn’t her thread but we spoke about her last night and I’m angry and I know you’ll get me.

So Gracie is crying on a sub only live (don’t think she realises they’re still fully viewable via FYP) saying she’s emailed TikTok because of the gang of losers who beat her last night.

This t got 2.8million diamonds in one weekend. About £30k of money sent to her. She will pocket about £12k of it.

Put in realistic terms, that’s like us, the normal members of society having a £1000 surplus every month to do what we want with. That’s what she got from this, and she’s still fing crying.

At this point, I’m glad she fing lost.
She said the same to dave dorans after she mentioned his boys. I can't remember what she said but dave was raging, threatened to get her then said he was getting some woman to do her in. She was like if anyone comes to my door I've got a sawn off ready. The only thing she's got sawn off is a pair of jeans she's cut into shorts the crackhead
Crack will do that to ya, you know? 👀 yikes
Mar 15, 2024
Urgh Chippy Max and Tim. Not a nice trio. Max seems to want some validation for taking Ang to a hospital 6 months ago, she certainly mentions it enough. In fact she doesn’t really have anything else to offer to any conversation other than making excuses for pricksta and name dropping morons like dave Dorans.

Chippy seems to now exist online chronically with an opinion on everything and everybody, not sure about what happened with that Hannah but he certainly acted like a fing spoilt brat about it. Mr “you can go anywhere” 🫠🫠 then flounces off the app for less than five minutes coz he can’t trust anyone. He was bitching that Bazza was speaking to Wayne and Zia, don’t get butthurt Chipster I’m sure he still likes you too 🤷‍♂️

Max is just a mouth piece that even her supposed ‘friends’ can’t seem to stand.

Why do any of them think they can tell people on tik tok who to talk to or not talk to ??? Millsy makes sense when she says stuff about not being real friends etc I think chip man dies inside everytime she does though 😱
I just don't understand who Max thinks she is, like the way she speaks to people and she literally expects people to respect her, and most do because for some reason they are scared of her licking off! I think she's vile vile vile woman tbh.

Hannah jumped in Wayne's box a a few nights ago, because Zia was also in the box, and Zia had called hannah out regarding something, so Hannah got in the box and defended herself, and they went mental at her.

I have no idea with the entitlement that people feel they have to dictate where people go on tiktok 💯💁‍♀️ I'd love for someone to try and tell me where I can go 😂

Yeah I've heard milsy say before that she doesn't get involved because really is just tiktok to her, and she doesn't hold real friendships, she has her own rl friends and family etc.

Exactly what I'm like, I don't make friendships or part of any tightnitted groups, I have all my rl friends, my family etc, I don't need social validation online, I just like troll, and roam around freely as I please 😂 #simplelife
Mar 13, 2024
Morning sods.

Look I know this isn’t her thread but we spoke about her last night and I’m angry and I know you’ll get me.

So Gracie is crying on a sub only live (don’t think she realises they’re still fully viewable via FYP) saying she’s emailed TikTok because of the gang of losers who beat her last night.

This t got 2.8million diamonds in one weekend. About £30k of money sent to her. She will pocket about £12k of it.

Put in realistic terms, that’s like us, the normal members of society having a £1000 surplus every month to do what we want with. That’s what she got from this, and she’s still fing crying.

At this point, I’m glad she fing lost.
Let's not forget ALL the sympathy gifts amd subs coming in today while she forces out some more tears ...
Greedy b 😡😡


Feb 29, 2024
yes angie you are a kent #t :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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