Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 1, 2024
miss red doesnt like talia because she thinks she's a better singer. I actually dont know anytthing about talia other than Ricksta has made her find the lord and that she has good hair. I cant even remember her voice but it cant be that bad if she was on x factor.
Girl can sing
Feb 28, 2024
Morning sods.

Look I know this isn’t her thread but we spoke about her last night and I’m angry and I know you’ll get me.

So Gracie is crying on a sub only live (don’t think she realises they’re still fully viewable via FYP) saying she’s emailed TikTok because of the gang of losers who beat her last night.

This t got 2.8million diamonds in one weekend. About £30k of money sent to her. She will pocket about £12k of it.

Put in realistic terms, that’s like us, the normal members of society having a £1000 surplus every month to do what we want with. That’s what she got from this, and she’s still fing crying.

At this point, I’m glad she fing lost.
where can we see the gracie recordings? and did anyone record the competition ending?
Feb 29, 2024
Nah, I think I’ll stay here and affect you as you’re so rude and touchy. Maybe I’ll mention someone else later and I can be than as well. I don’t fall for wankers like you who are just aggressive coz they’re in message board and think it’s ok. You’re not special, I hope that doesn’t hurt to hear.
Affect me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 keep trying! You are the one that came for me because I didn’t agree with you now stop fing @ing me you dumpy incel freak
Mar 15, 2024
Also, miss red may not have given advice regarding SH, but she did dedicate a whole live to Emz SH, and had multiple people in the box giving their opinion, on why they think she SH'd, whether it was all for attention, i still think it was extremely insensitive and careless to dicuss it THE DAY AFTER IT HAPPENED. SH is such a sensitive taboo subject, that I'm sorry should not be discussed as FYP gossip. SH is very complicated that in the sense of, maybe someone SH's for attention, but that doesn't invalidate the act, because it could be a cry for help, a moment of madness, regardless of the reason it's sensitive. Yes, people might say well she did it on live so it can be discussed, Emz was so clearly incoherent during it all. They chose not to dicuss Angies SH because they quote 'didn't believe in kicking someone when they were down' well how low do you think emz was to do what she did? Emz clearly isn't a well girl. - but again double standards, biased and all for popularity. How many of those people that jumped in the box and gave their opinion on emz tried to contact her personally, or leave her a little positive message? I highly doubt any did!

Anyway #rantover #sorrynotsorry
Mar 15, 2024
miss red doesnt like talia because she thinks she's a better singer. I actually dont know anytthing about talia other than Ricksta has made her find the lord and that she has good hair. I cant even remember her voice but it cant be that bad if she was on x factor.
I heard Talia sing live, at the x factor and her voice is brilliant, and I can only imagine it's improved in 7 years. She is a professional 'popstar' material voice, where as in my opinion, yes Miss Red can sing well, but its very karaoke/pub vibes 💁‍♀️


Mar 5, 2024
Looks who in big hard Ruth's comments


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Mar 17, 2024
the void
I get people say to scroll out of a live if your triggered. But people can react differently. If a live becomes triggering to them, to some it’s almost like they can’t stop watching. It’s a response to what’s happening.
I hear you but personal responsibility is also a thing, its such a fine line between having open conversations and hurting the most vunerable tho


Dread won't let Tallia in her box because she'll rip her a new one.
I though you loved it when people had a different opinion to yours Miss Dread?! Get your bulldogs out your box, grow some balls and hear what Tallia has to say. We want to see you put firmly in your place and thst smug grin wiped from your face.
Feb 29, 2024
Not Bazza again 🤔 now it’s a personal attack on him being fat. Oh dear oh dear. You really are into this guy.

Did you just flex being ‘well respected’ on a message board 🫠🫠

Oh hunny. Stay affected.
Yes your behaviour is very Bazza like 🤣 and Bazza is a fat incel I’ll die on that hill 🤣 anyway…. Not wasting anymore time on you because your a weird t 🤣 I hope bazza shags your arse for sticking up for him 😍


I heard Talia sing live, at the x factor and her voice is brilliant, and I can only imagine it's improved in 7 years. She is a professional 'popstar' material voice, where as in my opinion, yes Miss Red can sing well, but its very karaoke/pub vibes 💁‍♀️
She's also jealous of Elphas delicate tones. 😭
Mar 15, 2024
I get people say to scroll out of a live if your triggered. But people can react differently. If a live becomes triggering to them, to some it’s almost like they can’t stop watching. It’s a response to what’s happening.
Tbh, some people remain in a live because they are generally concerned and probably wouldn't relax not knowing if they are okay, and will stay regardless of whether it's triggering just to make sure the person is okay. It's called being a human being who cares.
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