Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 16, 2024
Unpopular opinion incoming…I strongly agree. She still talks personally in here too and mentions we “all support her”. most of her comments are about herself in some way and after all that hoo haa it feels like maybe may get confused and end up being upset.

It also means comment cafe gets mentioned still in lives as if we move as one with one opinion which is absolutely not the case.
Coming back anonymous means she can be on a level with us all and not need to be personal.
Luckily the paragraph despiser has me ignored so she can’t s it off / 💖😈
Quite a few people talk personally in here, we as humans base our responses on our own experiences. I only write about myself if relevant or being spoken about and in all fairness I do get a lot of support in here, not from everyone but people have been. CC will always get mentioned and blamed no matter who is here and as I have previously said to you, if you don't like seeing my posts, you can hit the ignore button. You seem to have an issue with me being in here, where as GG was actually more concerned about me feeling uncomfortable.
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Dec 21, 2023
She knows the financial grooming he pulled on that woman last year. It’s annoying she’s so s and irrelevant as what he did is outrageous and I wish he hadn’t got away with it
I caught part of her talking about he stole from end of life patients? Did that happen?


Mar 7, 2024
Omg so that Ali woman sits on live to Angie all night?? Crazy!!!
tHaT's HaRaSsMeNt
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Feb 28, 2024
Yeah I get what you're saying but I think people would work out who I was anyway coz of my style of writing and humour, quite hard to change that but I get what you're saying xx
But your comments are about your dog, your medication, your wellbeing, your coffee, your bowel movements, your interactions with other tiktokers. Because your a tiktoker with apparently previous tattle drama too it is uncomfortable I find, and not casual anonymous internet chat. Muddies the waters and I think history would repeat itself.
Yes you’ve said you don’t get social cues etc. no one would know who you are at all as long as you don’t talk about yourself - and I’d say 5% of people here would know what humour you have if it’s that specific.

I mean no hate - do not take offence - I am a total stranger but this is pragmatic and well meant advice.
Mar 16, 2024
Just don't say anything you wouldn't want to be held accountable for and don't react to anything you wouldn't want them to pull you up for either, which is probably all my posts 😂
Very very hard for me coz of my "issues" (can't mention autism coz I'll get dragged for it! 🤣) I'm quite happy being myself and if it's too much just stepping back. But I will see how it goes and can always change my mind later, coz I'm a woman and that's what we do best!
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