Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 24, 2024
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
Don’t you dare leave. I think people were annoyed at Red manipulating the situation again. And Grimsby Gobbler is rightfully upset at Red painting her out to be a monster. It was your first live and you did the best you could especially as you were feeling anxious. You’re a valued member here, take some time and see how you feel in the morning 🤎


Mar 5, 2024
Rickster is talking about how if you have stuff to hide it will 100% come up on the app

Sausage said big jam was on the register and now they’re in his box 😭
Sausage is a lying t. Hope bigjammie t was triggered, another self appointed guardian of do all. t.


Feb 29, 2024
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
Don’t leave you did really well. Once ive upped my numbers I’ll try to go live don’t let these fs win
Feb 28, 2024
Has anyone seen Nanny G and Cockerpoo in the same live together?
Tin Foil GIF by Snervous Tyler Oakley
I wish I knew who nanny g was. Someone also said TJ Is cockerpoo son or something. I love a good conspiracy
Cockerpoo said we've to stop chatting about it now
Tell her for saying that I’m going to chat about it 5 times the amount that I was planning on. Nobody inbox me or go live cause I’m busy talking about how pearls a racist, Alex is a lying bastard, miss reds a puppet master and J is an embarrassment. I won’t forget Angie either. That buzzcut skull can still suck my left nut
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
You are a treasure. Only thing about that live that was wrong is Miss Red and her lies. Never leave here. We grew to care bout you 😭

No More Guff

Feb 28, 2024
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
I've been out today and bloody missed it all. But I'm speaking for myself. You are a respected member of cc. If you were brave enough to do a live I absolutely commend you 😘
Feb 28, 2024
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
I also would say that I deeply didn’t want to join the live but I did as otherwise you’d have had no one supporting you. We’ve all got different opinions on this whole s show that stem from the same genesis point - racism is wrong.
I saw a lot of positive comments towards you also.
Feb 29, 2024
If it was her old address that got doxed why did J say her grandkid was terrified 😭😭
I just want to set this straight! I did post the article months ago! I didn’t intend to dox any address on there! Clearly I forgot to black out the location! I also have proof that if I did realise her address was there I would have blocked it out because one of the Facebook posts I posted had the area she lives in and I blacked that out! But so lovely to see some of you throwing me under the bus for doxxing donna! To the ones that have my back still thank you I really appreciate it! I’m still catching up because I need context but I’m not well too so I’m struggling! I’m also being accused of being in a troll group with a bunch of people I don’t even fing know! The only name I recognise is bazza and only really know him from seeing him in angies lives and around tiktok! I don’t have friends on the app I’m not part of any fing groups! I come on here to have my opinion and to call out the fs on the app! Donna isn’t fing special I have gone for angie too! This is all fing ridiculous and a massive deflection from Miss red being racist and lying but clearly somehow it’s all my fault!


Mar 9, 2024
The Bogs Of Eternal Stench
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
No don’t leave. Don’t let them all divide us. 🤎🤎
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
The issue is I think Grimsby just appeared before it all kicked off and might not have much context to what's going on.

Mrs Doubtfire is very empathetic and doesn't enjoy upsetting people at all. Theres certain aspects of this situation she wouldn't talk about and she was very anxious before going live.

We got there in the end and it's been heated up I don't think we need to in fight or anyone needs to leave.
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