Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Apr 10, 2024
Jesus that’s awful, I’m really surprised by that 😔 She’s been inundated with hate and abuse, it must test your morals when hitting back. BUT you can’t allow it to undermine everything you stand for. Racism is absolutely heinous, just as homophobia, transphobia, ableism etc are. You can’t stand for one protected group/community and attack another 😕

Edit: any screen recordings of this?
Exactly! You completely set yourself back if you’re saying “Don’t be racist.” but then saying something homophobic/transphobic/ableist/etc. Children are always also off limits imo, if you have a problem with an adult fair dos have it out with them call them out on their BS (especially if they’re a royal t/heinous waste of space) but you can’t do that if you’re being equally as atrocious.
Feb 28, 2024
Comment Cafe HQ
Don't really know what is going on but I have heard this comment about looking autistic too many times now, including being used towards myself so I feel I have a right to address it. What the do are people on about? What does autism look like? If I were to show photos of myself, my sons, famous autistic people, you wouldn't be able to see autism in those photos. Perhaps watching me live or reading my comments you'd be able to pick things up, seeing my eldest strimming, you would know, but sorry no one looks autistic and this needs to be stopped being used as an insult because although it doesn't bother me personally as an adult with autism, it bothers me personally as a mother of autistic children.
That's my Monday morning rant over.
My son is autistic and every now and then a comment is made where someone has said "Oh he looks autistic!" I didn't know there was a "look" it's horrible!


Feb 28, 2024
Good Morning Love GIF by joeyahlbum


Mar 7, 2024
This is very true.
A screenshot with just the name isn’t enough to incriminate someone. If anything ever happens like that in comments, screen record it, and record yourself clicking their profile too. Otherwise it could be any random account renaming themselves as someone else (which might I add i would totally never do, and neither would Judas) and getting people in trouble for nothing they’ve truly done.
Is this Taurian’s account? It’s private so I’m not 100% but I think this was the account that said the comments about Wayne yesterday
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