Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 28, 2024
I’m in a violent mood If that counts
Violently clean 😂
tortilla soup smashing plates GIF by FilmStruck
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You all need your own group tbf. You guys are much bigger than CC and there are people making money from what you guys are doing. Yous quite evidently bring over half of the user to this site daily and in think you should all get the recognition you deserve. Understandable though you’re all in one place and that's what matters. I think you’re all great.
Hey newbie. Why does it sound like you’re about to tell us about this wonderful place called “discord”? 😭😂
Mar 16, 2024
I'm ok guys, just annoyed coz I didn't go after them so why attack me? My live was nothing about them, so if you're reading this you lot, do off and leave me alone.
Ok, maybe I'm not ok, I am fing upset. I will get over it, I have Chonky in my ear now, I can hear her saying "they're strangers on an app they don't matter" 🤣
I did nothing to those people they're just showing themselves to be a bunch of nasty online bullies.
Some of them need to be careful coz I hold secrets, push me anymore and I will spill.
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